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I stood on top of the bar, twisting a new bulb into one of the fixtures when Victor stalked through with a styrofoam cup in hand. "Hey, you wanna hit that light?" I asked, pulling back slowly from the fixture and dropping my gaze to the one eyed man at the door.

"I got it," he greeted, a seemingly permanent smile on his face. After I'd gotten him to stop choking on his own blood, he was all cheeky smiles from there on in. As the light came on Victor offered me a hand down, sitting on the bar as he pointed the straw at me.

"We went for milkshakes, got you one too. I drank some." I rolled my eyes but accepted it none the less, drinking from it as Wendell came over.

"Up and walking around again?" I hummed, watching as he leaned against the bar.

"A lot better than that, thanks to you, doc," he nodded, so I tipped the styrofoam cup to him.

"Hospitals took care of the worst of it, I just made sure you wouldn't bleed out before you hit the table," I shrugged. "Is your depth perception off? If I throw something at you, can you still catch it?"

"Maybe, haven't tried yet." Victor put a hand on my thigh to stop me, the condesastion sticking to his blue gloves seeping into my jeans. I mostly just tried to hide my smile by drinking the mint milkshake, this was the most attention he'd given me in anyone else's presence, other than the subtle whispers when there was a crowd.

"C'mon, I'm taking you home early," Victor nodded, stepping bck and allowing me the room to slide off the bar.

"Ooh, another disco night?" I tempted, following along as he led me from the bar and left Double Tap behind.

"No, Nygma found us too easy there," he hummed once the elevator doors shut.

"He didn't see anything he wasn't supposed to, did he?" Victor shook his head, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"Not other than my taste in music." I scoffed and walked out of the elevator, propping my feet up in the passenger seat once we'd left the building.

"We're gunna have to get these milkshakes more often," I mumbled, stirring the contents blindly with my straw. "This was good, for Gotham milkshakes."

"Gotham milkshakes?" he repeated, eyes drifting from the road for a second.

"My dad has money, and when he was part of our lives, he took Andrew and I to New York for our birthday, we had dinner at this cute little resturaunt I don't even know the name of. Best damn milkshake I ever had." I stuck the straw in my mouth and finished what I could, Victor drank a good portion of it for me. "This one though is a close second."


I had my pillow tucked under my chin as I sat up and watched Victor, he was relaxed, ready to sleep, but something was eating at me. As much as I didn't approve of the amount of attention Head Hunter, or Double Tap as I liked to call him, sent my way after I patched him up, one thing had been glaringly obvious since seeing him at the Sirens. I missed being a doctor.

It was likely Victor's plan all along, to slowly push me closer and closer to my old self until I was as desperate for it as he was. But to give him credit, it worked. It wasn't all him, seeing Butch and the state the Narrows was in, even under their new queen Doc, it made me want to help again. Seeing Wendell well, it gave me the rush of satisfation I used to get, and the subtle praises Victor sent my way really didn't help that case. "There a reason you're watching me like a science experiment?" he mumbled, eyes closed.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" I breathed, tilting my head to prop it up on my hand.

"Thanks," he chuckled, finally opening his eyes. "What's up?"

I didn't want to outright say it, to just blatantly tell him he was right, but I wasn't finding any other way to explain it. "I miss it."

"Miss what?" he frowned with confusion.

"I...miss being the good doctor," I breathed. There was a slow smile that crept onto his lips so I looked away from him. "I know what you've been doing this past year, and as much as it irritated me, it was a big part of it." Victor reached up and tilted my chin towards himself, giving him a sarcastic smile in return. "Don't let it go to your head, but thank you."

"Nothing to it but a little persistance," he chuckled. My smile softed out when he took my hand and brought my knuckles to his lips. "But it will be difficult since Penguin wants me dead and Sofia's in a coma." I closed my eyes and shook my head. "After what the Doc did to Sampson in the Narrows, I doubt you'll be welcome there."

"I have perfect timing, don't I?" I scoffed, dropping my head to lay against my pillow, still raised above Victor.

"Things'll work out. Don't worry. For now, just see what you can do for Barbara." I nodded and moved my pillow, opting to lay my head on his shoulder now. I closed my eyes when his hand rested on the back of my head, relaxing further each time one of his fingers made a trail down my neck. "It's good to have you back, doc."


It took a couple months but Barb rearranged things again, pouring a drink for a man that held our attention with angry guests. When I pushed it towards him, he slammed his fist on the bar, making me jump and take the glass of bourbon for myself. "I speak on behalf of myself and all other gang leaders in this city when I say your arrogance and disrespect will no longer be tolerated," the man explained as he walked towards a patient Tabitha. "You beat and then dragged my brother from here like a dog."

"Your brother's an ass," she justified. "He abuses our staff and refuses to pay his exorbitant tab." I glared when the man's crew turned to eye me, holding a tight grip on my glass.

"He is my brother and he demans your respect," the man growled.

"And I suppose an apology would be out of the question?" Barbara asked as she walked through the main doors.

The man chuckled as she came to a stop, his words having me reaching for the knife Victor gave me. "Your blood will be his apology."

"Thought so," Barb sighed as he lined up with his men, one facing me. They didn't even have time to draw their guns when a mob of women in black rushed in the doors, throwing stars darting through the air and disabling the Asian gang with ease. It had taken some time adjusting to their presence, but it gave me a sense of security when I couldn't have Victor around. Sucking in a deep breath, I finished my drink, wishing I could be stuck at home at all times as he was.

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