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Things had been a little slow, at least for me, since Glizean came barrelling through with Tabitha Galavan and Barbara Kean. Don Falcone - though, I suppose he was no longer don - had invited me to his son's wedding, and since getting a dress, I'd had little to no activity with anyone. It was a nice guesture and Falcone by far had been my favorite mob boss, I couldn't bring myself to turn down the offer.

I was making sure things were in order for Andrew when a knock came to the door, nonpersistant and dare I pleasant, unlike the many knocks I'd been greeted with as of late. Imagine my surprise when today's groom stood before me. "Dr. Calvi," I breathed. "I wasn't expecting to see you until later today. Congradulations."

"Thank you," he breathed as I stepped back and let him in. "My father owes you his health, you are as much part of the family as anyone else." My cheeks flushed and I nodded. Take that, Zsasz. Good doctor gets me in the gold.

"I'm just doing my job," I shrugged. "Your father was always kind to me. He has my loyalty." When I shut the door, I could feel the mood in the air shift, putting an edge of caution to my nerves. "What can I help you with?"

"I've come across something important, but I can't ensure it's saftey through my father's history here. I needed a doctor who understood." I frowned but quickly turned it around, thinking back to what today was.

"Would that be why you're marrying the best legal doctor this town has?" I chuckled.

"Be careful, Dr. Cane. People might think you're jealous." I scoffed and shook my head, slightly growing more at ease.

"Just Miss Cane these days. Not really a doctor without the lisence," I supplied. "What can I do for you, doctor to doctor?" It took Mario a moment to answer, his eyes flicking around my house and lingering through Andrew's doorway.

"Lee's been worried about...well, about children," he confessed, a slow nod coming on with an awkward understanding. "I just wanted to assure her that we won't have a problem, but she still has her doubts."

"Of course, what woman wouldn't?" I chuckled. It seems he'd inherited his father's charm.

"We took a blood sample for a test, but she's nervous about running it herself, at all for that matter. If she does get cold feet and change her mind, I'd rather not have to stick her again," he elaborated.

"I don't really--" I slowly started, sparing a glance to Andrew's room and the equipment I'd been provided. I only needed blood tests early on, to check for infection, I don't believe I still had anything to do with it.

"You wouldn't even have to run the test," he pleaded. "Just hold onto it for a few days, I'll come back for it after the honeymoon, one way or the other." I looked him over a moment and nodded, watching a smile grow across his cheeks.

"I didn't have the time to check the registry, I'll consider it your wedding gift," I shrugged. There was instant relief about him as he quickly dipped into his pocket.

"Thank you, Lucian," he sighed, handing over a cold vial and shaking my hand in the same motion. "Enjoy the reception."

"Enjoy you're marrige, Mario," I agreed. After seeing him out, I took a moment to examine the contents. Judging by the adhesive on the glass, some label had been torn off, throwing caution back into the mix as I placed the vial in the locked minifridge containing Andrew's IV bags and medications. Still not knowing how to feel about the ordeal, I finished caring for Andrew before getting myself ready.

A fresh shower and few hours later, I was finishing myself up and staring in the mirror as movement crossed over the doorway, unable to catch a view of the source. I dropped my hands from my ears and turned around, pausing as my stare clashed with Zsasz's. He was silent as he looked me over, causing a need to pay attention to my breathing as I ran my fingers over my earing. "I can't entertain you today," I informed slowly, turning back to the mirror and pushing the earing through my earlobe.

"Then it's a good thing I'm supposed to entertain you," he hummed, my green eyes flicking to his face in the mirror. "I'm loyal to Falcone," he explained simply. I nodded, understanding completely.

"That where you get the shiner?" I asked. He chuckled and watched me carefully, eyes narrowing as I approached him with foundation and a brush. "C'mon, you can't take the spotlight from the happy couple." I gave him a shrug and flitted the brush in front of his face. "It really clashes with my outfit." He rolled his eyes but relaxed his stature, allowing me to cover up the yellowing bruise on his jaw. "This a first for you?" I chuckled, noticing how uncomfortable he was.

"Yeah, I don't usually let people paint my face." I smirked and shook my head, thinking it over a minute before slowly reaching up and blending out the makeup with my finger. I could feel his jaw clench under my finger tip, pulling away once the bruise was no longer visible.

"You look fine," I assured. "I'm not trying to doll you up." I walked away with a deep breath, returning to the mirror in an attempt to tame the small waves escaping my simple updo.

"You should do that more often," he advised after a silent moment, nodding his head to my dress. "Formal works for you." As long as the heat in my face didn't betray me, the only blush to my cheeks was that of a light dusting of makeup. I quietly cleared my throat and made sure my attire was in order.

"If being a doctor didn't ruin so many of my clothes, I'd consider it," I breathed. "For now, only for special occasions. You ready?" Zsasz nodded and stuck his elbow out to me, leading me from my house and driving to the reception.

It was truly beautiful and Mario's bride was breathtaking, but I couldn't help the nagging questions in my mind as the priest read off the vows. "Is this just for show?" I whispered, hardly breathing as is and only breathing shallower as Zsaaz leaned his head against the side of mine to speak in my ear.

"Like I said, I'm loyal to Falcone. Even just the Falcone name." The statement made my blood run cold, subtly informing me our previous don hadn't been the one to arrange this. "It's like I told you, doc. You're valuable." I closed my eyes a moment, almost sure his lips had ghosted across my cheekbone. If the flush in my face hadn't been visible before, it surely was now.

Zsasz stood before I did, clapping a second before extending me a hand when he saw I was still seated. I cleared my throat and stood without his assistance, clapping hard in order to aviod the smirk I knew was aimed at me. He was glued to my side the entire reception, even after the bride and groom had snuck off.

Zsasz was truly one for surprises, I didn't expect him to be so lively about ever; give him a little disco and he completely transforms. I doubted he had been drinking, but I allowed myself a glass or three of champange, giggling like a child as he danced me around.

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