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I stood at Andrew's window, my eyes going wide at the events taking place just a few stories bellow, my heart beat picking up speed as I saw a murder take place. It hadn't been a pretty one, either, explaining why Victor pulled me away from the glass and drew the curtain. "You shouldn't watch that," he breathed, eying me cautiously.

"I wanted to see what was happening," I shrugged, walking around Andrew's bed.

"Nothing pretty, even by my standards." I rolled my eyes and ran my hand down his arm, the voice returning at full force. You have enough to worry about. Do what you want. My eyes trailed over the systems keeping him alive and stable. Do what you want. I took a deep breath when Victor's hand came down my shoulder, slowly turning to face him. "Are you feeling alright?"

He took a deep breath as I met his gaze, a tingling I hadn't felt in months spreading up to my face. It only confirmed what I already knew, giving me a sense that I'd been infected for months now. I could only guess my infection was now apparent to Victor. "I don't really have an answer to that," I mumbled, the tingles swelling a short moment before disapating all togther.

It was like watching several puzzle pieces click into place all at once within Victor's expression as his eyes trailed over my face. "When did you go outside?" he instantly asked, reaching for me and causing me to take a step back.

"I didn't," I frowned. I sat beside Andrew with my arms folded over my chest, fighting hard not to glare at him. After all, he'd done nothing but ask a question. I turned my head away fruitlessly as he reached for me again, taking hold of my chin to tilt my face up to his.

"Then how did this happen to you?" he wondered, frowning as well but no acusation was hidden behind his words now.

"The day of the wedding, Mario gave me something to hold onto," I supplied, unable to meet his eyes. "Guess spilling some after the funeral had worse effects than I'd anticipated." He sighed and ran his hands over my head, rare chunks of worry shining through his hard exterior as I studied his expression.

"You didn't think to tell anyone?" he questioned, his attitude obvious through his strained voice.

"People weren't overthrowing the streets of Gotham then. I didn't know what the hell I was dealing with." His invisi-brows came togethger at my wording, as if that were the final straw to break the camel's back, to prove to him that I'd gone over the edge. If he wants proof, give it to him. Show him you can be just as cruel. "You were right. The chipper personality is an act," I chuckled. "I thought if I could learn to deal things out in humor, I'd be aces." I stood and shook my head at myself, catching Zsasz's subtle step back.

"Look where it got me; so deeply interwound in the mob I don't know which way is up, and having a kid with Gotham's favorite hitman - who also has a bad knack for humor, might I add." I laughed a bit, my whole situation just tickling me pink. "I was screwed from the start."

"Lucian, listen," he tried, but I felt the tingles return.

"No, you listen," I decided in a growl. "I am sick of people thinking I'm nothing more than a trading chip. You may like the highest bidder lifestyle, but frankly, I don't. I have just as much say as anyone else in this town." Do what you want. Take what you want. It's all yours for the taking.

"Hey, where is this all coming from?" he asked, utterly blindsided by everything.

"I am sick of running errands for everyone in this damn city. I'm doing something I want for a change." Without even thinking, I turned to Andrew and ripped out his IV, unhooking the oxygen tube from his face as Zsasz got his arms carefully around me and began pulling me away from him. "I gave up my career for him and all he does is lay there!" I growled, feeling the tingles encompas me. "A little girl died because I was saving his life instead of hers!"

I fought against Zsasz's arms as he eventually got me in a head lock, unable to break his secure hold. "You gunna kill me Victor? Add another mark?" I chuckled madly, fighting against him as much as this space allowed.

"No," he growled in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. That was, until he restricted my airways, leaving me gasping as the tingles and voice receded, my hands swapping from his arms to my stomach. "One of us knows what they're doing, and right now, that isn't you." My knees buckled as my eyes slipped closed, the last imprint on my mind being Zsasz's arms around me.


I don't know where he took me, but we weren't at my house, a clear view over the city as it burned and festered with the same virus coursing through my veins. The voice hadn't left me since waking up, though Zsasz had. Except for the voice, I was completely alone. Every now and again I'd get a rush of the tingles but they would leave as soon as they came. I'd been able to hear a TV, unable to make out what the voices said, but after a few minutes there were shadows under the door.

I stepped up and rested my hands on the wood, listening to the silence now following. "There's a cure, Lucian. We can fix you." I slammed my hand against the door, surprised at the tremble of the wood as my palm burned. "I'll be back as soon as I can." I stepped back from the door and looked it over. I could hurt the baby throwing my shoulder into it, and as I decided a plan of action, the shadows left the doorway.

I stepped forward and did it again, picking up a steady rhythm and beating for what felt like hours. It was probably closer to half an hour, the door was pretty thick and I had a newfound strength. If only it had kicked in before Zsasz had put me under. I managed to break a big enough piece out to push my arm through and unlock the door from the other side.

I frowned at the spiral staircase and took the steps as fast as the bump would allow me, stilling when I came face to face with Tabitha. "Wow, you are one strong pregnant lady," she sighed, taking me in as she squared her shoulders.

"Nobody seems to see what I'm capable of," I shrugged. I went to step forward but hesitated, my head cocking to the side as Selina stepped into my view. "Looks like we're missing a few."

"Butch and Barbara couldn't make it," Tabitha informed with a frown, slowly taking steps forward. My head snapped to the doors of the club that pushed open, my eyes widening and tingles spreading over my whole body as Zsasz quickly made his way across the room.

I tried to bolt for it, but he yelled, "Hold her still!" to the women before me. They easily got hold of me, keeping me in one place was the problem. I'd shaken off Cat fairly quickly, able to put more focus on breaking Tabitha's hold on me. I had a moment to breathe before an arm secured under my chest, a needle pricking my neck before I had the chance to fight.

The injection was cold, combatting the tingles as my knees gave out and I fell into the person at my back. I barely managed to glare at Zsasz as sleep took a strong hold on me. Though it had saved me from the chaos of the virus, it said nothing for the torment of nightmares to come.

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