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Things had not been easy.

After Zsasz had left my apartment, Galavan got released from his charges. All things considered, I could only assume he was helping Penguin exact his revenge. Shortly after, Penguin turned himself in, pleading insanity once he got to trial. I hadn't seen any mob bosses, run into any criminals, or had any illegal activities of any sort in about a year; that is if you exclude buying stolen medical supplies.

Andrew's condition didn't change. I no longer needed to keep a close eye on the scarred over bullet wound, just had to keep giving him IV's filled with nutrients so he wouldn't starve to death before he could wake up. In order to keep up with his expenses, I started caring for anyone who needed a house call. It didn't pay as much as I used to get paid, but it gave me a chance to keep practicing medicine, to keep helping people.

Cat stopped by regularly, at this point I just bought extra groceries for her to nab as she passed through. Since being released from Arkham, Penguin had ran for the mayor's office, and I wasn't feeling particularly one way or the other about the whole ordeal.

I had barely unlocked my door before my heart lurched in my chest, leaning against the open door as I collected my breath. There was a smile to his lips as he sat on my couch, watching as I collected myself a moment. "Jesus, Victor," I sighed, shutting the door and moving to my room. "You can't just show up after a year of being gone."

"You know you're relieved to see me," he called as I rumaged through my nightstand drawer before coming back to the livingroom.

"Relieved to see you aren't dead," I confirmed. I came around the couch with the barrel of his pistol held tightly in one hand, holding it out to him with a stony expression. "Take it and go."

"I've been here a while, but you just got here," he pointed out, gloved fingers sliding over the handle. "You don't want company? Or is the stiff enough?"

"Enough, Victor. Please," I sighed, dropping the gun and walking into the kitchen. I didn't drink often, what with how random my house calls were, but his sudden appearance sparked the need. "You can't just waltz in and out of my life, okay?" I started once I was at the counter. "You're either in it, or out of it, and I can't make that choice for you."

I reached into the cupboards and pulled out a glass, pouring myself a doubleshot of whiskey and standing there nursing it for a good minute. "Hey," he coaxed, his voice behind me scaring me out of my wits once more. I held up a hand to him and rolled off the counter, freezing and being careful not to spill when Zsasz grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. "What happened?"

"Absolutely nothing happened," I explained with a shrug. "I waited around for any sign of life from you and don't get one until you're stalking me again." I pulled my arm from his firm grasp and sat with my knees to my chest, slowly taking a sip and shaking my head a fraction. "So, if you don't mind, I'd like to continue waiting without having to fear for my own life as well."

Zsasz was slow as he came to sit beside me, keeping my eyes off him as I took another drink. He was silent for a long moment, finally turning my stare to him to find him examining the pistol. "Ever use it?" he mumbled, pulling back the slide and studying the chamber.

"Not since I shot the wall," I sighed. "Never needed it." He chuckled as it slammed back into place, looking away as his gaze shifted to me. I could feel his eyes rake over me several times before he sighed, drawing my eyes back to him as he stood and holstered the pistol.

"Well, it's clear I've outstayed my welcome." I rolled my eyes but didn't vocally agree with his late observation, only choosing to hold his stare now. "Penguin wants you to come back."

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