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I moved slow as I cleaned up the bruises forming on Victor's temple, able to clearly see the indents of my knuckles within the discoloration. He breathed slowly as I leaned over him, waiting until I'd cleaned a small cut on his forehead to anounce his awareness with a monotone, grogy, "Ow." I rolled my eyes but retreated all the same.

"I've cleaned more serious wounds without even the hint of a reaction out of you, you big baby," I sighed, unable to help my lingering irritation.

"How'd you reverse the hypnotism?" he hummed, peaking his eyes open when he realized I was done treating him.

"Cognitive recalibration," I offered, a twitch to my lips at his instant confusion. "I hit you in the head really hard."

"That was you?" he chuckled, taking my hand when I nodded. "You've got a solid punch." I tried to fight my smile when he kissed my red knuckles, allowing me to smooth my fingers over his face.

"I thought I lost you today," I mumbled, recalling his earlier fascination with Ivy Pepper.

"I'll always be on your side, doc," he promised, sitting up and bringing my eyes to meet his. "She had to take over my mind to get me to forget you."

"But you still did," I breathed, unable to relax despite how he trailed his fingers over my chin as he kept me in place. "Even after all we got through together, here you were fawning over someone else." Victor dragged a thumb over my lips before firmly holding my chin, effectively shutting me up and pushing away any doubts with one gentle action.

"And you proved today that you'll be there even when you shouldn't be at the drop of a dime," he reminded as he pulled a breath away. "Nothing's more intoxicating than loyalty. Not even Ivy Pepper." A small smile pulled on my lips as I relaxed a bit in his hold, recalling the adoration he bathed me in whatever chance he got, just like now. "Ivy doesn't want me, she just wanted Gordon dead."

"Good, because she'd have to put up a helluva fight to keep you." A grin pulled across Victor's lips as they met mine again, taking his face in my hands but pulling away the second he hissed. "Sorry," I mumbled, my smile growing as he shook his head.

"Don't be," he mumbled, meeting my lips once again but reluctant about both remaining there and pulling away, leaving a breath's space between us for a moment. "Love you, Luce." Victor stunned me to silence, pecking my lips one more time before leaving the room. I was slow to follow him out, fingers resting over my lips as I watched him scoop Andromeda up from her collection of toys and busy himself with entertaining her. All the while, she giggled and played along, throwing me deeper into the overwhelming feeling taking over me.


I took a deep breath as Andromeda's hands closed around my thumbs, waving them around as we looked out at the river. The water transfixed her easily, my own gaze caught on the vehicles repairing the bridges miles above the water's surface. With the gust of warm wind that blew over my skin, I was encouraged to follow it's source with my eyes to where Zsasz stood several feet away, watching us with a stony expression.

"Hey," I breathed, leaning down to speak to Andy. "Wave to Daddy." I had to tug her hand a bit to direct her, but after another encouragement she relinquished my thumb, waving her pudgy little fingers as Victor. I was able to catch his smile as he gave her a small wave in return just before she began crawling forward, sinking her hands into the sand and adding to the mound of a castle I'd started for her. After a final wave of bombing, and - despite all my protest - taking shelter in Victor's basement, things took about a week to settle before reunification began.

In light of how much better things had gotten initially, I convinced him to let us have a day out. Other than sending me to retrieve supplies from the GCPD, he kept us all cooped up in his house, paranoid of what reunification meant for the criminals. Andy was having a blast, everything outside of my place, his place, and travel between the two was new for her. She was nearly a year old now, curiosity had become a large part of her activities.

My smile grew when I heard his footsteps come closer turning my head towards him a fraction while keeping my eyes on our child. "The fresh air is doing you both some good," he started, squatted at my side with his dark eyes on the river. I don't know how fresh it really was, if you breathed deep enough you could still smell the smoke from the most recent bombing, but I wouldn't disagree with him.

"It's good for you, too - to get out without taking out," I chuckled, turning my eyes to him. "Thanks for coming with us." Victor's smirk was his only response, his eyes traveling down to our kid. "Hey!" I jumped when Andy tried to put a fistful of sand in her mouth, grabbing her wrists and holding them away from her mouth as I cleaned them off. "The world is not your snack, kid," I sighed, hating the upward pull on my lips when Victor chuckled.

"Once things are back in order, I'll get that place for us," he quietly promised, almost losing his voice over the sound of the river.

"Don't rush," I chuckled. "Most of the city still looks like a cheese grater." I turned my head towards him with a soft smile. "You do enough for us as is." The moment was brief, but his fingers brushed over my cheek as he tucked some hair behind my ear, even this small display meant much; especially in public. He stood as he dropped his hand, watching Andromeda a few seconds before returning to stand a few feet away.

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