Magic Cape

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Little Red was surprised (and a bit disturbed) to find her Granny's cottage door WIDE open. "Oh dear," she said aloud. "I feel uneasy, again. It's probably because I ate all the sweets."

The baker dragged along Milky White through the woods. He spotted Little Red, and noticed, "A red cape!" he exclaimed.

She walked into her Granny's mysteriously silent cottage. There she saw- uh, Granny, in bed in her... nightcap. "Hiya... Granny?" she said confused. "Not to offend, but... are those triangular ears pointing out of your nightcap?"

"Mmph, yup!" Granny (actually the wolf in disguise) responded in a muffled high pitched voice (the wolf is trying to cover his furry face). "The better to... to hear you with my dear!"

The wolf pulled the bed sheets up more to cover his face, only to reveal his big paws. "Granny, what odd hands you have."

"Oh!" the wolf nervously laughed. "I burned my hands while cooking, so I... put on some fuzzy mittens! The better to hug you with my dear!"

There was a moment of awkward silence. "Wow, this has been... a weird conversation...," Little Red said. "I'm sorry, but are you related to that Pinocchio boy or something? Because my, what a long and pointy nose you have."

Still trying to play along, "The better to smell you with my dear!" Whoops, the wolf realized. "But Granny," Little Red was now entirely perplexed. "Why would you need to smell me?"

At last, the wolf gave up. "To see if you're good enough to eat!" And with that, the wolf swallowed the girl in one gulp. He was so greedy, that he didn't bother chewing. Luckily.

The baker saw Little Red go in and decided to wait until she came out. But once he heard her scream and the wolf burp, he grabbed a stone, quickly sharpened it into a spear, and ran into the cottage.

It seemed to Little Red as if she was shrinking smaller and smaller as she fell down, down an everlasting fall. She heard her scream echo all around her. "That's actually pretty cool!" She didn't take the fact that she was eaten very seriously.

BOUNCE! BOING! Boing! boing, boing... she landed on the bouncy ground- the bottom of the wolf's stomach. She suddenly heard, "Is that you?" Little Red turned to see, "Granny!" she exclaimed. They hugged each other and sat together in the dim light.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Granny then scrunched her face up jokingly like a child, "But he stole my nightcap!" They both laughed and waited in the dark.

Suddenly, they heard a ripping noise as the wall next to them tore open. The baker saved the day.

First, Granny comes out, covered in goop. Then Little Red steps out, mentally disgusted, yet shockingly untouched. All three of them looked at Little Red's clean cape in astonishment.

Then Granny turned toward the dying wolf and snatched up her nightcap. She clenched her hand in a fist. "You stole my nightcap!"

The baker laughed and started to leave when, "Oh, Mr. Baker!" Little Red tapped him on the shoulder. "You saved us. Is there anything we can do for you?"

The baker smiled. "Actually, I've been looking for a red cape like yours..." Little Red burst into laughter. "You'd look pretty foolish! But here." She handed over her cape.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" Granny came over. "What about the skins?" she pointed to the wolf. "Don't ya want the skins?" The baker looked like he was about to vomit. "Yeah, no."

"Eh!" Granny punched him hard, yet jokingly. "What kind of a hunter are you?"

The baker clutched his shoulder. Boy, that Granny could pack a hard punch. "Actually, I'm a baker..." he began to say, but then saw Little Red and Granny hugging and walking away.

The baker flung the red cape over his shoulder and stepped out the door. "Mission accomplished." he grinned.

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