Chapter Ten

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Amber's POV...

"Daphne, I distinctly remember you assuring me that your skank ass daughter would never betray my son, just like you did to your own husband," I overheard Dominic's mother shouting as I entered the living room.

"Mother, what on earth is she doing in my house?" I retorted, my frustration evident.

"Oh, have you forgotten already that this house belongs to my son just as much as it does to you?" Mrs. Castillo fired back. "And don't you dare think for a moment that I will tolerate your disrespect, simply because you've chosen to some low-life bum." Her crazy ass then sneers.

"First and foremost, this house is solely mine. I have invested my hard-earned money into purchasing this house and everything within it. Secondly, you have entered my home and hurled disrespectful insults at me. Respect is earned through mutual understanding and consideration. Lastly, the person you so ignorantly label as a 'low-life bum' has shown me more kindness and empathy in a single day than you and your son have in the past few years," I retorted, my anger simmering as I approached her.

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior. Amber is going through a difficult time and may not be aware of her words or the person she is addressing..."

"I am perfectly capable of handling myself, and I am well aware of whom I am speaking to. I do not need you to make excuses for my actions ever again," I snapped at my mother, turning to face her with a firm resolve.

"Are you just going to stand there and allow this girl to disrespect you and jeopardize everything we've worked so hard to achieve, Daphne?"

"Amber Rose Law, you will put an end to this absurd marriage with a man I have never even met, whose lifestyle remains a mystery to me. You should be grateful that Dominic and his mother are still willing to engage with us despite the embarrassment caused by this scandal," my mother angrily demanded, goaded on by Mrs. Castillo's controlling tone.

"I will not allow myself to be manipulated into doing something against my will, whether it's by you or anyone else. And quite frankly, you are the least qualified person to give me advice on relationships, given the pain and turmoil you have inflicted upon Dad. It's truly astonishing that he continues to tolerate your manipulative and unfaithful behavior," I responded, my frustration evident in my voice.

"I've always warned Dominic that you were just like your mother, but he insisted that you were a good-hearted girl who had captured his heart. Instead of the wholesome girl he believed you to be, my son has fallen for a disgraceful whore," Mrs. Castillo sneered, her words barely audible.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I shook my head in disbelief. "How amusing it is to hear your accusations," I said, my voice laced with a mix of incredulity and sorrow. "After all that has transpired, you have the audacity to look down on me? You, who stood at the pinnacle of your grand staircase, urging your own son to push me down."

The weight of my loss pressed upon me, threatening to break the dam of emotions I had carefully constructed. "That moment, that heart-wrenching betrayal by the hands of your son, has forever altered the course of my life. Being pushed down a flight of stairs robbed me of the precious baby I had growing inside of me, and it left me barren, unable to experience the miracle of carrying my own flesh and blood. I will never feel the gentle kicks or witness the growth of a life within me," I shouted, my voice trembling with a mixture of anguish and anger.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the painful memories flooded back, overwhelming me with their intensity. "Thanks to you and your son, my dreams were shattered, and the joy of motherhood was cruelly snatched away. The scars of that day will forever haunt me," I whispered, my voice choked with sorrow and longing.

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