Chapter 18

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Here's chapter 18:))

]|I{•------» CHAPTER EIGHTEEN «------•}I|[

Scarlett stared at the pancakes sizzling on the griddle, flipping them with a steady hand. It had been months since she last cooked breakfast for Callie, and even longer since they ate together as a family. She could hear Callie quietly setting the table behind her, each clink of silverware emphasizing the silence that surrounded them.

Chris was already at the table, absorbed in the morning news on his tablet. He looked up briefly as Scarlett placed the stack of pancakes on the table, giving her a small, tight smile before returning to his screen.

"Callie, do you want syrup or just butter?" Scarlett asked, her voice too cheerful as she tried to break the silence. She reached for the syrup bottle, hesitating as she waited for an answer.

Callie shrugged, her eyes on the table. "Syrup’s fine." Scarlett poured syrup over Callie’s pancakes, trying to ignore the knot in her stomach.

She sat down across from Callie, trying to catch her daughter’s eye. But Callie focused on her plate, cutting her pancakes into tiny pieces. Scarlett wanted to say something, anything, but the words wouldn’t come out.

Chris cleared his throat, glancing between them. "So, Scarlett," he started, trying to ease the tension, "how’s work been? Busy as usual? I heard the movie's coming out in May."

Scarlett nodded, thankful for the distraction. "Yeah, it’s been hectic. But I’m trying to cut back, be home more before I get busy for the promotions and premieres." She looked at Callie, hoping for a response.

Callie shrugged again, still not looking up. "Work’s work, I guess." She said in a small voice.

Chris shifted in his seat, sensing the awkwardness. "You know, Callie," he said casually, "your mama used to make these pancakes all the time. Even when you were still little."

Callie paused, her fork hovering over her plate. For a moment, it seemed like she might say something, but she just nodded and took another bite.

Scarlett sighed inwardly, her appetite fading. She knew this wouldn’t be easy, but the distance between her and Callie felt impossible to bridge. She knew their daughter was trying her best to get along with them well. She glanced at Chris, who gave her a sympathetic look before turning back to his tablet.

The minutes passed in near silence, the only sounds were the occasional scrape of a fork against a plate. Scarlett kept stealing glances at Callie, searching for some sign of connection.

Finally, Callie spoke, her voice soft and hesitant. "The pancakes are... good."

Scarlett’s heart lifted at the words, simple as they were. "Thanks, Callie," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "I can make them more often if you want."

Callie shrugged again but gave a smile, an assurance that she's willing to give a try. "Okay."

It wasn’t much, but it was something. Scarlett clung to that "okay" like a lifeline, feeling a small spark of hope. It was awkward, and the silence still hung between them, but it was a start.

Chris smiled to himself as he sipped his coffee, sensing the subtle shift. There was still a long way to go, but for the first time in a long time, it felt like they might get there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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