Chapter 14

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Hailey's POV:

Today was a slow day at work. We had a case of a murdered girl near Fuller Park who was seventeen. Everyone went to the crime scene except me, Kim, and Vanessa. The three of us fixed documents because the boys always complain. While we were doing our paperwork, the boys came in, "That's how I want Jay and Hailey to let her parents know!" The others are looking for information about the girl and see about ex-boyfriends and the like! "Said Voight. Jay and I went to the car and I stopped because my stomach hurt." Hey, are you okay? " he asked, "Just someone kicking a lot today!" I said and he laughed. We got in the car and went to the parents' address. "Chicago PD open the door if you like?" "Hello, what can I do to help?" Said the father. "Can we talk about daughters!" said Jay, "Of course you are welcome!" said the mother, "We have bad news about your daughter!" I said, "Your daughter is dead very sorry for your loss!" said Jay, "No it's not true it can't be true!" said the mother. Then I showed a picture on my phone showing their daughter at a table in the morgue, "I can't tell you how sorry we are for your loss," I said. "You don't have children and you don't know what's wrong with us!" "Actually, I have but it hasn't been born yet, but I'm really even worried. Even if he wasn't born, I'm worried about him coming to life so I understand you! "

Jay's POV:

After twenty minutes we finished with our parents and left. I looked at Hailey and she looked very upset, "Hey are you okay?" I asked her as we got in the car, "No I'm not Jay I'm not!" she said as tears formed in her eyes, "Hailey, it's all right. I'm here and I'll always be when you need me, right? Calm down, and if you want, when we get to the district, tell Voight that you want to go home! "And I said as I hugged her," I'll talk to him if I can go home! " she said. When we went up to the others, Hailey went straight to Voight's office, and I told the others that they didn't know she was out.

Hailey's POV:

"Hey boss, can I talk to you about something?" "Of course what's going on?" "Well, we didn't find out anything from the parents and it was about children, and I just wanted to ask you if I could take the rest of the day to go home?" When I left Voight's office, I went straight to the locker room. I felt someone following me and when I looked it was Jay. I stopped in front of my locker and picked up my things. "So you're coming home?" "Okay, can I drive you?" He asked. "No. I can drive myself!" "Okay, don't scold me!" He said. "Bye people!" I said as I went down the stairs. As I drove home, I felt someone watching me, but I thought I was imagining it. When I arrived in front of the house, everything turned black.

A few hours later

Jay's POV:

It had been several hours since Hailey had left. I thought she would call me when she got home, but she obviously forgot. I hope all is well. We finished the case with the documents and I headed home. When I arrived I saw the car in front. I got off mine and saw drops of blood. I reached the door and saw the keys in the lock. NO no no no if she is kidnapped what will I do. I went inside and looked and there was no sign of her. I pull out my phone and call Voight, "Hey Jay, what's up?" "She's gone," I say as I cry, "Wait, calm down, who's gone?" "She's gone. Her car and phone are here. the door and there are traces of blood! " "Okay, let's go there!" He said and hung up. I looked in the bathroom and I couldn't stand on my feet anymore and I sat down and started crying

Voight's POV:

Jay just called me and told me that Hailey had been abducted. I couldn't believe it. "People, let's go!" "Boss, what's going on?" Adam asked, "Hailey has been kidnapped!" I said, "Oh no!" Kim said, "It's hard if someone isn't looking, tell him we're on a case!" she asked, "Hailey has been kidnapped!" "I'm coming too!" "All right!" We reached Jay and Hailey's house and the door was open, "Jay! Jay, where are you?" I asked anxiously, "I'm upstairs!" I got an answer. We went upstairs and I saw him sitting in the bathroom crying, "Hey, how are you?" Trudy asked, "I'm not well." I can't believe ... I had to keep her, I had to bring her. I shouldn't have left her alone and now she's gone! "" Jay look at me! She's strong and she'll handle it and we'll find her and the baby is clear? Now we have to focus on finding her! " I said, "What if we fail and find her and the baby alive." What will happen? "" We will find her and you will see if your daughter is clear and you will be able to hug your future wife again! " I said and smiled. Kevin and Adam picked him up and we went to the kitchen. I went out and called Will, "Hey Sergeant, what's going on if they shot Jay again?" He said with a slight laugh, "Listen to me! Come to Jay's house and you have to be with your brother!" "Okay, but what happened?" He asked. "Hailey has been kidnapped and Jay is not well!" "I'm coming!" I heard from him. I went inside and saw everyone gathered around Jay. "I talked well on the phone with someone who can help us for you, Jay. Moral support and if we need him!" "Who?" Jay asked, "Who was my brother, of course?" I heard from Will, "Who called the jester in our house?" Jay said and got up and they hugged Will, "Okay, how did you get from Med to here so fast?" I asked, "Well, it doesn't matter now!" he said with a cheeky smile. "I called detectives to inspect the place," Trudy said. "Okay, let's go back to the district and look for something to help find Hailey!" I said

Hailey's POV:

I woke up on a cold floor and my head hurt a lot. I heard someone coming. "Look, the little princess has woken up!" "It can't be!Matthew Hunigam" "Let me get out of jail!" "Good manners, and here I am!" "What do you want from me?" "When he detained me, I told you I would take revenge for putting me in jail, that's my revenge!" He started hitting me, and my only thought was how to protect the baby, and he continued until I finally fainted.

Jay's POV:

"Well, the detectives found other footprints, not just on Hailey," Adam said. "And they are?" Will asked, "Matthew Hunigam!" "What has Hailey got to do with him?" I asked, "She arrested him two years ago and he said he was going to get revenge for it!" Kim said, "Okay, where is he now?" Voight asked, "He was released from Stensville four months ago!" Kim continued, "Does he own property?" asked Will, "Take a warehouse in Little Village!" Kevin said, "Wow, you're a detective if you want to change professions, become a cop!" said Adam, "Let's go!" said Voight

Hailey's POV:

When I wake up I feel something flowing from me and I see my water running out. I hear some voices and an acquaintance I will never forget. ,, Hailey! Hailey! "He hears someone approaching and when they open the door I see. I see the man I want most Jay." Hey, don't move. It's all right! " he said, "Jay a while ago ... my water ran out a while ago and I can't." I said with tears in my eyes, "Calm down, calm down. I need a doctor at my location, now!" I heard him say on his radio, "I'm here. I'm here. Well, Hailey, you have to push. "Will said," Will I can't. It hurts a lot. " I said through my tears, "Okay, this will help the pain!" "I need an ambulance now!" said Voight. Less than a minute later, the ambulance arrived, Brett and Mackie. "Okay, what do we have?" Brett asked, "Hailey who was beaten and gave birth prematurely!" said Will as they entered, "Okay, let's put her on the stretcher and drive her to MED!" Will you come? "Mackie asked," No Jay is coming with you! " "Don't go with her, I'll drive after you. She needs you! "" Good! " said Will, and came up to me. "Hailey, hold on a little longer," he said. When we got outside, Natalie, Connor, and Maggie were waiting for us. Natalie said, "Will you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine. Take care of her, I'll wait for the others!" he said

Jay's POV:

The trip to the hospital was awful. I thought I would lose her, that I would lose the love of my life and my unborn child. Now I wonder if they will live or if Hailey will live and if our daughter will live. We finally arrived in front of the hospital and Will was waiting for us there. ,,Where is she? How is she? "I asked with tears in my eyes," She's in surgery. Natalie said they would do a cesarean section. Don't worry, she's strong and she'll handle it. I'm not sure!" he told me as we walked to the waiting room, "Hey, she's strong. They are strong. He did not lose consciousness in the ambulance, even for a moment. Calm down she will cope! I have to go, but I'll see you later. "" Of course! " I said, got up and hugged him, "Thank you for everything!" "That's what the brothers do!" he said as we parted. Will left the room and Kim, Adam, Kevin, Vanessa and Trudy entered. We all sat and waited. I sat on the ground with my head in my hands and sighed. Suddenly we heard someone coming from the operating room corridor. I saw Connor and Natalie happy. They came to us and I got up from the ground. "Jay, we want to tell you first of all, congratulations on having a very beautiful and wonderful daughter. She will be sitting in a coviose for a few days since she was born earlier but she is fine and looks like you but has Hailey's eyes. Just as you know, she was born prematurely and we thought we were going to have to breathe for her, but she cried right away! "Said Natalie. When I heard those words, I calmed down and asked," How is Hailey? " ,,She is fine. He had two broken ribs, as a result of which one of the ribs had pierced his lungs. Fortunately, we managed to stop the bleeding in time and it did not cause much damage. She is in a room and is awake. Jay, she's asking about you! "Connor said," Thank you, Connor! " I said through my tears, "No, that's my job!" he said as he left the waiting room. Everyone hugged me and told me to go and see her. I went to her room and saw her. I saw the love of my life.

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