Lost Kingdom 1.2

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*At the castle*

General gathered all the ministers in the kingdom for an emergency meeting for the troops came back; weak and wounded. And another battle is due in 3 moons, General was confused, worried and wary for the kingdom his late friend left in his care is tearing down to pieces. But he hasn't loose faith because he knows one day, the queen will return; Othel will return and save everyone.

She was his last hope.

"General" the first minister with a funny curled mustache spoke " All the people in the kingdom have been relocated into the castle but most of them were wounded, and we are out of medical supplies."

" Hasn't the 3rd kingdom sent their resources yet?"

"No general. They have refused to send help this time" he said sadly

General remained silenced for a while before he spoke

"Defense Minister"

"yes, General"

"when is the next battle?"

" 3 moons from now General"

" *sighs* can we prepare enough troops before the time?"

" I'm afraid not General, we have no troop left and we can't recruit anymore, why you may ask...because the people are far too hungry and wounded to fight a deathly war. Most of the men are slain, the ones left are either badly wounded or aged"

The general took a deep breath, and said

"I guess this is a war we will never win."

He said with tears in his eyes

" But that doesn't mean we are going to give up, we will gather all that we have left, every man or woman in this kingdom that is strong enough to lift a sword or shoot an arrow..."

" How bizarre" the arrogant Minister of Finance snapped " You intend to involve women in this bloody war, you must have gone savage"

" What do you intend we do then, Minister?"

"uhh.... Uhmmm... Ughhh..." The minster of Finance try to gobble up some words or maybe an idea or even a suggestion, but he could think of nothing.

"Exactly what i thought" General exclaimed.

         And so, word was pass across the kingdom for anyone who can lift a sword or shoot an arrow should report to the castle immediately.


There she was, standing by the window in the little cottage she rented in the castle. She lets out a heavy sigh she's been keeping inside when she saw another corpse being taken out of the castle....that was the 7th one that evening. She turned her gaze up to the sky, and my how she loved the sunset.
                   She stared at redish-orange clouds in the sky as the sun rays kisses her skin farewell for the day.
                  Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered Sir Lancelot, how they visit the valleys during this hour to watch the sun set, how he'd hold her in his arms and kiss her forehead gently, how he'd tell her that she is destined for greater things in life, far greater than the world in whole... Oh how she misses those days.
She was right about to be lost in her thoughts when suddenly, she sensed Belthazor's presence.

"Have you heard?" Belthazor said excitedly

"yes, i have" answered Othel "the wind told me" she said smirking

She and Belthazor have grown such a pair, the chemistry between them was growing stronger...their relationship was more than just a Bodyguard and A queen... They were more like friends or even something greater.

"oh darn it!" said Belthazor " have you signed up yet?"

"Yes, i have"

"that's marvelous, I heard tryouts start tomorrow"

"true" othel said in a low tone

" You seem tired, get some rest it's going to be a busy day tomorrow"

"How can i rest or sleep in peace with me knowing that my kingdom, my people... My home is crumbling down to pieces? oh! I dare not" Othel said with a heavy lump in her voice

" My people are dying out of hunger, thirst and severe sickness, worrying about6this unending war and here i am doing nothing about it. Which is enough to haunt me and you want to add to my misery by telling me to get some rest? GET SOME REST?!!" she said breaking down with tears.

" There is no rest for me, until my people are free!" she said crying as she almost collapse to ground.

Belthazor quickly grabbed her from behind, dragging her into a hug as he covers her with his wings. He knows she's going through a lot, too much pain, too much hurt. He deeply wished he could help more, to offer her his all, and sadly he has nothing to offer at that moment except for a hug, with the hope that she might find warmth in his cold embrace.

And yes! She did, she felt at home in his arms, she felt safe and...loved.

            She deepened her cry, tears rolling off her cheeks one by one...Belthazor tightened his grip softlybl telling her everything is going to be okay.

"shhhhh" he whispered softly in her ear sending shivers down her spine.


"grandmother, I'm famished" said Anoshevette

"so am i darling, let's get something to eat the story can wait"

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now