Her 1.1

33 9 7

At the palace

The general's second in command was walking hastily towards the throne room; worry and fear was written all over his face.

He went to the throne room and there he was, sitting in the darkest corner with his face half covered with his blood stained robe... The one who he spent the whole dawn and morning looking for

"General!" He greeted.

"Hmm..." She responded

Second in command caught his tune and cut the formalities short

"General, i have bad news" he reported

" speak "

"Only few turned out for the tryouts" he said bluntly

" how few?" Questioned general

" less than a hundred sir" he stated. General let out a big sigh as he looks down,

"take them to the training grounds" he said with a lump in his throat.

"Yes general " second in command answered as he took his leave.

General was lost, full of pain and sadness... And let's not forget about the worry that had him go months without a proper meal. Tear after tear, he cried as the kingdom left in his care was perishing. Oh my, how he blamed himself for everything

"Tears won't be of any good now, will they old friend?"

He heard a familiar voice say, a voice he hasn't heard in what almost felt like forever. He felt a presence so comforting that his tears were held back, and yes someone was there in the throne room with him.

He rose his head to see who it was only for him to gasp in horror...

There, before him was the late king dressed in a robe with the highest quality of fur on the edges, the dragon crest embroidered on the back and the most expensive rubies along his neck.

His crown was made from pure gold and and upon it, laid the dragon egg stone; the brightest and the most precious stone to ever exist.

He stood in the reflected sunlight from the colored-glass window, it was almost as if he wasn't there; just a trick of the light.

"Your....." Was all he managed to say, he was too shocked to utter more and his eyes were too tired to cry.

He thought he was seeing things when the late king spoke again.

"Worry no more, for the one you have been waiting for is here; she is here within the castle. Look for her in the training grounds, look for your queen. You will know her when you see her"

"Your majesty!" He said almost whispering

"Have faith, You have done good old friend, Thank you for your loyalty" he said smiling .

General rushed to grasp his friend on more time but before he could move a muscle , he disappeared into nothingness.

Left sitting in the light with his heart so heavy and his eyes full, was general...slightly closing his eyes

"your majesty" he whispered again "until we meet again... Old friend".

General rushed to the training grounds as the words kept ringing in his mind "...find her...".

" general!" Second in command called out

"we are pleased to see that you have come down here yourself to check the troops" he added.

"Yes yes" was all general could say.

They stood there and they watched as those who turned out for the tryouts practice with the selected weapons on their choice.

Some were in swordsmanship, others archery, spears, canons and other various weapons. But there was one who was quite different from the rest, the sword in this person's hand was well built and designed with rare figures and alphabets; but it was nothing General hasn't seen before.

" who is the boy in the hood" general asked second in command

"I do not know sir, shall i ask?"

"Please do"

"Ayy! You there" second in command called out for the boy in the hood

" Come forward " he ordered.

The boy stepped away from the crown and moved closer to where the were standing and bowed on his knees.

"That sword you hold, it is a rare artifact that was only given to great knights because of its abilities. That sword could cut through anything in the right hands and it is un-breakable. So tell me, where did you get that sword?" General questioned

"It was given to me by the man who raised me"

"Oh, you're a girl!" Exclaimed second in comand.

General's heart skipped a beat as the words came flashing back "... she's here ..."

" identity yourself " general comanded.



Time passed slowly as othel laid in Belthazor's arms. He watched her as she gently sleeps, he saw how peacefully she look.

How her chests rises and falls as she breathes.

How her doting thick chocolate brown hair covers half of her face and a dim light that radiates off her.

He wanted to let go of her but he also wanted to hold her forever. He carried her and placed Her gently on the bed. And as he turns to leave, he felt something grabbing on to his cape


She whispered.

He wanted to climb on the bed and hold her tight as she sleeps, to lay by her side, and she also wanted that too...but he just stood there, beside her by the bed and watched her instead.

When dawn broke, othel woke up but to her amusement, Belthazor wasn't there.

She felt a little sad but when the thoughts of the recent events hits her...she completely dazed out and just started to get ready for the day.

She put on the clothes belthazor left for her on the dresser; a shirt, a trouser and a hood. She took her sword and wore her necklace and when she was about to leave, it hit her that she hasn't seen Belthazor since last night.

"Belthazor" she called for him.

But there was no response.

"Belthazor" she called again sounding distressed, but still there was no response.

After the 4th call, she eventually gave up and made her way to the main castle.

Unknown to her, he was standing there in the darkest corner of the room.

"your Majesty" he whispered

He wanted to appear before her the moment she woke up, he wanted to be the first face she sees when she opens her eyes but, he was too scare to do so.

"Never have i ever felt as weak as i did like when she held on to me last night... I witnessed my queen, crying before me... a mere servant. I cannot put my self in the same position again for i am not worthy of witnessing her tears..."

" I am just a servant " he added


Ayy🙃 what a shitty chapter right?
I know y'all are prolly thinking " who does she think she is? J. K Rowling? How dare she updates shitty chapters once in like 4 months and just disappear like that....😭😭"

I'm sorry y'all 🙏🏽

I'll try my best to update frequently 😢

This took forever and it's still not that GOOD 🤧

Anyways, please ignore my
-Grammar lagoons
- typos
- if i rushed a scene or anything
- My mistakes, generally 💁🏽‍♀️

Thanks for reading <3!!

Oh and don't forget,

1 to tell 10

Xoxo 💋

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now