Him 1.1

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Belthazor stood there in nothingness, he wanted to wish her luck but he knew she doesn't need it. He held the apple he brought for her in his dear hands "I wonder how it's going by now" he said to himself. "Maybe i should just go watch for myself, to save me from all these pointless thoughts" he thought to himself.

Belthazor left the cottage and made his way to the training grounds. He walk through the castle and he saw the people; weak and wry, dying of hunger. But the looks in their eyes told him otherwise. The people appear to be weak and drained, but their spirits were strong and brave "no wonder they survived 16 years of war under the hands of the dark north" he thought "when othel is takes the throne, it would not take time before the kingdom goes back to normal " he added as he tossed the apple to a little girl that was sitting beside her mother. The people made there way to castle to get their breakfast which was an apple, an oatmeal and a cup of milk. The people that had some money had the chance to buy themselves some bread, steak, fried eggs and a can of milk and it was considered to luxury to have such food for breakfast.

Belthazor sighs as he remembers what the kingdom used to be.

Belthazor was so lost in his thoughts while he walked through the castle grounds *which doesn't happen often * that he didn't even realized that he was standing on the training grounds.

He snapped back when he saw othel kneeling on one knee as she was talking to someone that seemed quite familiar "general " he said as he bit his lower lip.

"Identity yourself" he heard him say

" oh no" he gasped

Before he could make a move- "ding ding ding " - he heard the sound of a bell

"Ding ding ding" , The bell rang again.

" the great bell" he heard general say softly before turning around.

Hurriedly, general walked as if someone had told him that they were under attack.

Indeed, they were under attack.

"They're here!" He heard someone yell.

"Assemble the men and woman"  general's second in command said rather mockingly.

"He should not be making silly joke at times like these " Belthazor thought to himself.


Othel left the cottage with a heavy lump in her heart "did I take it too far last night?" She asked herself "maybe it was wrong for me to vent on him like that. My, i may have upset him" she thought to herself. When she reached the training grounds, she was taken aback. They were very few and, she was the only lady there.

" ahoy there" a guard addressed her " don't just stand there, join in with the others" he ordered.

She drew her sword and started practicing while the guards inspected everyone.

After a while of free practice, they were asked to line up for proper tryouts. Swords, bows and arrows, spears and other weapons were laid down before them. "Pick a weapon of your choice and step forward". The others picked up the weapons laud down in front of them, but Othel drew out her sword and they stepped forward. A guard was assigned to each of them for personal practice irrespective of the weapons of their choice.

"Go easy on this one" a guard mocked "he looks smaller than the others" he laughed.

Another guard stepped forward and she stood her grounds. She stared intensely in his eyes as she watched him draw his sword. "On guard" he yelled before striking at her

She blocked his attack.

He attacked her again and she blocked his attack again, almost sending him off his feet.

He was taken aback.

He stood firmly and began to attack her.

She blocked every single attempt he did, until he got tired. By that time, the people there were already looking at them in awe as they saw how she perfectly dodged all of his attacks.

She smiled when she saw that he was getting tired, he was on one knee breathing heavily. So she used his weakness against him.

She swung her sword towards him, he quickly rose to block her attack but


His sword broke in half

Everyone was shocked "how did you...?" He stuttered.

Othel just stood there, breathing softly as she realized that she had brought so much attention on to herself. The whispers now grew louder, the guard took his broken sword and sped off to find the general's second in command.

She stood there for a while

"Ayy, you there" she heard some call for her, she turned towards the direction of a man in his mid 30's. He was tall, sleek and well built; for his muscles were protruding through his shirt. Had a blond long hair, green eyes and pale puffy lips. "Come forward" she heard him say again.

Her hood covered 2/3 of her face, so it was hard to tell whether she's a girl or not.

The man was standing close to another man that looked much older than him. He looks like he is 50, dressed in a full silver armour, he had a red cape hanging from his back. He looked messy, his cape was blood-stained and his armor looks like it hasn't been polished in months. Othel knelt down when she reached where the men were standing.


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