Destiny And The Call For War

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News reached King Archmail that there was an imposter in his castle last in Night.

" Your Majesty, The Queen is here"
Announced Maxwell, the Kings personal guard.

" Let her in"

The queen stiffen as she saw how the King was looking at her. His eyes was full of anger and rage.

"Alexandra." he began

"News have come to me
that there was an imposter last night"

"No, they lie" she said hastily

"I think Not"

" Well i asure you that no one was

here last night"

"Dear, Isabella said she heard you

talking to him about Othel. So I'm

going to ask you this once, Who was

Here last night!?"

My! The king raised his voice that he terrified his wife and made her cry.

" Do calm Yourself would you

Archmail"  Alexandra said with a

Shaky voice " I will speak the truth"

"I'm listening"

"Yes, someone was here.

A dark hooded creature was here"

"Describe him to me"  Archmail demanded

" He is tall, he has pale skin. His eyes are sliver. His hands are boney in structure. He is striking in appearance. He is quite handsome too i must say. He has horns on the side of his forehead. He was hovered by dark clouds. He said he... "

"... Is only a messenger and you should speak nothing about it to no one" King Archmail finished off her sentence.

"My!" Queen Alexandra said in shock
"how do you know that?"

King Archmail didn't answer.

"Tell me!" she demanded

"We must hurry" King Archmail said hurrying out of the throne room with a shaky voice

Poor Queen Alexandra could barely keep his pace

"Archmail"  Queen Alexandra started " i demand you tell me what is going on, please" she said shaking and breathing hard

But King Archmail was still walking fast "Guards!" he yelled "Guards!!"

He barged into Othel's room and the thud the door made woke her up.

"Your Majesty" said Isabella, othel's Governess

"Make way" said the king as he gently grabbed his child from her.
He took his child and sped off with her to his room.

The king was standing near his large fine wooded window that lead to the balcony, worrying about his daughter's future.

*slams door*

"Archmail, i will ask you one more time. What in bloody hell is going on?!" said Queen Alexandra as she barges into the kings room.

"She's the chosen one " he said with a low voice.
She could feel the terror as he spoke

"Astharoth. His name is Astharoth."

Queen Alexandra stared at him with confusion

"The dark hooded creature." he added. "This is a bad omen, she's the chosen one, We must hide her in order to protect her. She's in great danger."

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