The vile truth I

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"Your majesty. I heard you wanted to speak with me" the general said as he walked in the throne room. Othel was standing at the remains of a tapestry. It was the portrait of the king and her six brothers. She ran her fingers through the torn yarn on her mother's face "what was she like? mother" she asked

"She was the best of us- both in morale and beauty" he answered firmly

"Hmm...tell me General, where you there when my father married her?"

"Yes your grace. All the people from the seven kingdoms were"

"That means you were there when the First War happened"

General gasped, he couldn't believe his ears. The first war? No one has spoken about it for decades now. How could she have known? It's sure isn't Belphe- Belthazor that could have mentioned it...she's the queen now, it is of no shock that she have heard the legend.

"If you're wondering how i came to know about the First War you should also know that the trees have eyes and the wind has a voice" she said as she continued to caress her finger across the torn tapestry.

"I need to know what exactly happened and the only person i can get that information from is you. So I suggest you better start talking" she added

"Your Grace" she bowed again, this time bending his back a bit lower. "I am afraid the story you are about to hear is...horrendous"

She stiffened.

"If i may ask Your Eminence, what has Belphegor mentioned?"

"I haven't asked him ye- wait what did you just call him?" She asked utterly confused

"Oh! hasn't told you, has he?" He asked grinning

"Tell me what?"

"I am afraid you'll have to ask him yourself" he said again.

"Brace yourself your majesty, for I assure you that you will not like this tale...


*30 years ago*

"Prince Archmail, what a pleasant surprise "

"Indeed my dear friend. How have you been Mammoth?"

"You know, things have been tough around here but there's nothing we dark northerners haven't seen." Mammoth said with a huge grin on his face. "So tell me, what brings you all the way to the dark north?"

"My father is deceased as you might have heard. And that selfish old man has ruled the seven kingdoms by himself. Now that he's dead, my brothers and i want to share the throne within ourselves."

"I don't see how that concerns me" Mammoth said sounding uninterested. "Just cut to chase, what is it that you want Archmail?"

"I want to be the king of the seventh kingdom"


"The seventh kingdom contains the most mystical creatures, mineral resources, the largest sea, the most beautiful valleys in all the seven kingdoms and it has the highest population. So i want it to be mine, all of it."

"Okay. Good luck with that i guess"

"Mammoth, i need your help" Archmail said with desperation hanging heavily in his voice.

Mammoth smirked when he heard Archmail's statement.

"What will i have in return?" He asked

"Anything. Just name it. I'll give you anything" prince Archmail said desperately.

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now