The Great War I

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King Archmail was walking steadily but at a fast pace when he heard footsteps coming from behind him and as his thoughts told him, it was indeed General.

"Your Majesty" King Archmail stopped " Your Majesty, I humbly think we are making a mistake for calling on war with the Dark North. They are far more powerful and supernatural. And we don't even have enough men, the ones we have aren't ready for war." General pleaded but King Archmail Was deaf to his words and he continued walking.

" Please your Majesty, i beg you in the name of mercy reconsi..."

"Enough! " king Archmail cut him off and stopped walking.
" I will reconsider nothing! I have already made my decision, so if we don't have enough men to go to war, recruit more men. We shall seek for help from the neighboring kingdom I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help"

" But Your Majesty..."

"No buts! Speak nothing on this matter to me no more. I'll be on my way now General." said King Archmail as he continued walking leaving General dumbfounded.

* 2 weeks later in the throne room*

"Your Majesty" began Head Council

"Letters have been sent to the Neighboring Six Kingdoms but their reply is not jolly. They are refusing to join alliance with us and fight the Dark North once and for all. They are not willing to help in any sort."

"hmmm" sighed King Archmail

"Sire, we have gotten a reply from the Dark North" said Minister of Affairs

King Archmail rose a bit from his chair

"What does it say?" he asks with curiosity

"They accept our Call to war " said minister of affairs in a cold tone.

The council stood in silence.

"it's too near. There's no time to prepare" head council broke the silence.

"he is right" said Minister of Relativism "this is a war we cannot win. But it is too late for us to reconsider our decision"

"what nonsense!" spat the asst. Head council "How dare you even think of reconsidering His Majesty's decision? It is outrageous!"

King Archmail paused to think for a minute before he spoke.

" silence !" he began

" General, you shall recruit more men and train them in two weeks time. Let it be a royal decree that every family in the kingdom must provide a male child above 18 that will represent them at war."

"yes sire"

" Minister of affairs, relacate all the people in this kingdom back to the castle. I don't want a single soul out side the castle's gates."

" yes sire"

" Executive, send letters of appreciation to the Six kingdoms, tell them we appreciate their humble responses and make my statementment clear. Let it be known that we choose to die on our feet rather than live on our knees, with or without the help of my brothers we will fight!"

" Your wish is my comand".

And there was it, a week later all the people of the kingdom were relocated to castle. Troops were trained and they were ready for war. The king was all ready and fully determined.

" Your Majesty, we are ready" Said General as he sees a new version of the King he has never seen before. Ever since the queen's death, King Archmail has craved for nothing but blood. His brother, his friend. The king that was once Kind and pure by heart is now nothing but dark and hungry for blood.

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