The vile truth II

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I'd like to thank everyone who has ever read or is still reading this crappy book of mine, it really means a lot. I took a decision a while back to discontinue writing the book because honestly, what's the point?  But a few of you guys have opened my eyes and shown me how great this book is and how much they love it. I appreciate your support, I really do🫶🏽 and for that, I decided that Her legend must continue, I hope you enjoy this short chapter ❤️ xoxo

It was me wasn't it?" She asked "The girl he saw in his nightmare. Is that what i must do to save everyone?"

"I'm afraid i do not have the answers to all your questions. But if you must know, it was not you that he saw in his dream." General said

"What do you mean?" Othel asked puzzled

General cracked a faint smile.

"You really have a lot to learn your grace."

"But, After your father became king and your uncles were over thrown and completely muted, he met Mammoth again. He told him everything he saw, not a single detail left out. They...

30 years ago, After the king's Coronation

"Are you certain, Archmail?" Mammoth asked
"Well then, I think it is time we summon the 3 Prophetesses." He added abruptly.

Later that night, Mammoth sent for them. And like the darting cold winter wind, they appeared before them. So radiant as you could ever imagine them to be. With veils hanging on their faces- they wore moonlight like a lingerie.
"Who dares summon us?" The first one said
"Speak or you shall be cursed"
"It is i, Mammoth Prince of Greed, ruler of the Dark North" he said with a smirk
The third one, who looked a bit older than the other two broke a smile. So vivid, like the moon's silvery reflection on a lake.
"We have been expecting you Mammoth."
"What he saw shall come to pass" said the second one
"But, there is a twist..."the first one started
"A child from his seed shall be the very death of you..."
"Or in other words, your one way ticket to the place you dread the most, a place you must call home..." mocked the second one
"Hell." Concluded the first.
"But" they all said in unison "Only a Female child from his seeds shall be the end of your rein on earth. A child from somewhere else will bring the end of what is about to occur, what we all fear...The gates of hell being set loose"
"What do you mean 'the gates of hell being set loose'? It is impossible, Pride is in charge. Nothing can happen"
"So you still blame him for the unfortunate fate that happened to you?" The first one asked
Mammoth clenched his jaw.
"One day you will learn the truth, but not today"
"There is much more we haven't said, but be wary of the seventh day of the seventh week of the seventh month of the seventh luna year. And mammoth..."
He looked at her, jaw so clenched he could break his teeth. "Yes"
"You cannot run away forever"  with that said the prophetesses vanished, just like they appeared.

"What must we do?" Said The king desperately
"If what they said it true, then I'm afraid doom is approaching us" he said with a straight face
"Do not worry old friend" mammoth said with a sudden change in his voice, "We will just kill every girl offspring your wife bears, it's that simple"
"No!" Archmail snapped "i cannot allow this. You will not lay a finger on my child. Is there no other choice?"
"You dare raise your voice at me!" Said mammoth angrily "Have you forgotten who you speak to? Have you forgotten who has made you king? Do not let me remind you." He sneered. The king was taken aback. He went down to his knees "My apologies Prince greed, king of the Dark north" he bowed
"You will do what you have been asked."
"I understand."
"Furthermore..." King Archmail rose his head a bit "The queen must lay with me. It is what is best, for this kingdom and for all." He added

King Archmail left for his kingdom later that night in a state of faze. "What has he done?" He said to himself "is this what his greed has brought upon him?"

He came back home to some shocking news, his wife-  the lovely queen Alexandra was 7 weeks pregnant. He didn't know what to do, but he told himself that he should keep calm until the baby is born.

After a couple of months, the Queen gave birth to a girl. The king was devastated, because indeed his worst nightmare has come true, but he was prepared for it. He instructed that the baby should be dressed in male linens, when it was done he killed all the maids who have seen the child before it was dressed. When the queen woke up, he told her that she has given birth to boy, and a boy it was.

Archmail instructed the most trusted maid in the castle to nurse the child until it was 5. The queen would visit once in a while, but she never asked any questions.

When time passed, The child was named Tom Marvolo The first. The queen, who had no choice treated him like a boy, and so did the rest of the kingdom- even tho they never knew about its gender.

Years passed, and the Queen kept birthing Girls that the king announced as Boys- Dralias The Second, Christopher The Third, Blad The Fourth, Charm The Fifth and  Charles The Sixth. Maids after maids, slaughtered at every birth, the people started asking questions...
Even the queen kept wondering how she passed out at almost every birth, but the nurses reassured her that it was perfectly normal. Things were starting to get messy for Archmail, but he didn't bother. He was too busy trying to keep his children hidden.

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now