Argania 1.2

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Are you honestly still reading this book? *wink wink*
I really hope you enjoy this chaper XOXO 💋

Othel gazed at Argania with awe, their king is really doing a great job in rebuilding his lost kingdom. She wondered if she could ever rebuild the seventh kingdom or rather, if she will ever live to see the rebirth of the seventh kingdom. "Even the sun rises after the darkest night, the seventh kingdom will live to see another day and I will make sure of it" she said to herself.
"Your majesty; Belphegor" Arondir said with a smirk on his face, " I present to you Avaloria, home to the Elven King", and before her eyes was the palace of the Elven king and It was nothing like she has ever seen. With tall and elegant towers that look like they were piercing the clouds adorned with intricate carvings and delicate arches.
When they walked into the palace they were greeted by the scent of earth, trees and flowers. A pathway surrounded by a lush, enchanted bush with vibrant flowers and ancient trees. The architecture seamlessly blends with nature, as if the palace itself was an extension of the forest. It was indeed a beautiful sight.
There were grant halls and elegant chambers inside, with walls heavily adorned with tapestries showcasing scenes from elven history but none caught Her Majesty's eye but one. It stood out from the rest, it was on a dark material with very detailed description. The elves fleeing far into the forest, bodies on the forest floor, creatures of the dark north with ravenous bloody teeth and claws, a witch at the top and a veil being drawn from her wand. "This shows the brutality of the dark north when they attacked, how we fled and how the kind witch decided to help us", Othel cleared her throat, and she can only imagine the unfortunate fate that befell on the poor people of Argania. "who is that?" she pointed to another tapestry that showed the story of a female warrior with silver hair and twilight eyes, wearing a rusty armor standing on a pile of bodies as the clouds darken above her. There was something standing next to her, but othel couldn't identify it well; it looked like the warrior's shadow and at the same time it looked like a creature.
"She..." Arondir started "is the savior of us all. Her name, not known but her destiny is. The fates foretold the coming of a female warrior that would save us all from the disaster yet to occur. Our ancestors talked about her like she was a God, most of them wished they would be alive when her time would come" he said with a reassuring smile on his face. "Some say that she has already been born, It is only a matter of time before she comes. I know things seem bad and it looks like we've lost but we still have faith that one day she will come and bring an end to the dark north" he said while walking away, Othel just stood there looking intensely at the tapestry "did i hear him right?" she thought to herself
"If you're wondering whether it is you or not let me put your mind to rest, it is you. This is your destiny your majesty, it has been since before you were born" Belphegor said standing behind her.
She walked following Arondir pretending to not hear a word he said, "She is only here for her people "she reminded herself
"The world needs you your majesty, not just the seventh kingdom" he added as he walked behind her.
"I thought we talked about this" she turned her head to look at him while raising her left eyebrow. She has always despised him reading her thoughts, It felt like he was invading her privacy.
"I don't know what you're talking about" belphezor shugged his shouders as he tried to keep his pace with her.
"Get out of my head" she halted and turned fully facing him
"Make me" he said as he took a step closer.
And there it was, the feeling she has always denied fluttering in her chest. She wants to make it go away but she can't, especially not right now, their breaths are too entwined for her to, even if she tried. His golden eye has never been so enchanting, she wanted to run her finger across the scar on his face, the thought of it made he shiver but she still kept her eyes on it. The eye it runs through is pure white, stripped of its golden color. How beautiful can a man actually be, especially this man. She could not get enough of it, enough of him. Her eyes ran through his face, from his eyes, to his scar, to his pointed straight nose that was inches from hers, and his lips. This isn't the first time she has admired them, they were bow-shaped, baby pink in color and she knew how they arch when he smiled. She kept her eyes on them for a while. "What was she thinking?" she thought and took a sudden step back.
He noticed, she could see the hurt in his golden eye.
She broke eye contact and looked down but he kept staring at her and not blinking, not even once. This is the second time they have stood that close to each other.
"Uh ehem" Arondir clearled his throat as he looked at them in awe, even he can fell the tension building up between them but he shrugged it off, it is after all none of his business. "if you may your majesty, the throne room is right in the left corner. The council of elders have assembled for your arrival and they have been eager to officially meet you" he added and walked towards the throne room.
Othel nodded and followed him. "Please wait here" he ushered.

"Introducing queen Othel, queen of the seventh kingdom and the first of her name. Daughter of King Archmail, the seventh king of the seventh kingdom, third of his name and the last of his seven brothers" Belthazor said with a commanding voice to the Arganian elder's council that was assembled in honor of the arrival of queen Othel.
The huge wooden doors open, and her majesty walked in with grace. She was welcomed by an atmosphere of natural elegance. The room was bathed in soft, ethereal light that filters through warm color stained huge windows casting patterns on the floor. And at the center of the room, the grand elven throne lies that was crafted from silver, adorned with ornate carvings and precious gemstones, and on it was the king of Argania, Valeria son of Valerie with a gold entwined leaf crown adorned with shimmering sapphires sitting on his head. There were more tapestries in the throne room, with tall intricately carved pillars that were adorned with vines and leaves.
The council all stood except for Valeria, and they bowed as she walked passed them. She walked till she reached the foot of the throne. Then she halted.
"Valeria son of Valerie, King of Argania, Chief of chiefs... Her majesty greets you" belphegor said but Othel just stood staring at Valeria as he looked back at her.
"She doesn't look like it. For someone whose father was responsible for the downfall of Argania you have a lot of nerve walking in here like you own the place" Valeria said as he crinkled his eyebrows
"I mean no disrespect Elven king" she sneered "But I bow to no man, king or no king, chief or no chief" she added. "I have travelled this far and seek council with you for a very important issue about the unfortunate fate that has befallen on the seventh kingdom" she started
"News of the seventh kingdom and the dark north at war is not new" one of the chiefs spoke up, "and we are certainly not new to the matter too. Their unfortunate fate leaked like a plague and poisoned the neighboring kingdoms too; we are a living example"
She turned to look at him and he was standing as the rest sat. He was a tall man, built like a tree trunk. But he was old, she could tell from the wrinkles on the side of his eyes. His long silver hair was let loose on his shoulders as a single braid danced to the tune of the wind. And on his cold amber eyes, there was no delight but she could tell it used to be full of light. Was it the war maybe? She could not tell, but seeing your home being burned to ashes and your brothers being slayed like livestock can really turn you cold.
"Chief of the earth division, Lavogharis son of Lagharia your majesty. The dark north attacked us first in Argania on our farms. I will never forget that day." She continued "so many innocent people died that day and all for what? Your father had no right to be the king of the seventh kingdom, everyone knows that. It was our mistake for signing that alliance contract with him, indeed he was a brute man..."
"My father has made some terrible mistakes that led to the loss of the lives of many, he betrayed everyone even his family. But I am here to fix those mistakes and I am not my father, we may share the same blood but I am nothing like him. I understand it is going to take time for Argania to build trust with the seventh kingdom but it is something we must do to end this war" Othel said facing Lavogharis
"This is your war, not ours. Argania will be dragged into this again, we barely survived the last time. Argania and its people are safe here. It has been over a two decades since the dark north last attacked" Valeria answered her
"it is only a matter of time before Mammoth finds where you are, join us and lets fight together to end this war and the dark north. I know you sent a letter to my father seeking for help and he turned his back on you. And I know you have no good reason to help me, but I promise you we all need to come together if we want to end this war"
Valeria knew what othel was saying had truth in it, he knows they are only safe because they have gone into hiding. But going to war with the dark north is too much to ask, there is so much at stake for Argania; they have lost too much already. "I'm sorry" he finally spoke up "but my answer remains the same, this is your war and Argania will have no part in it. Council dismissed"

My my myyy🙃
It has been a freaking year has it? 😭
It's crazy how I don't even have an excuse for you, but ANYWAYYYYY🤭
I hope you enjoyed this chapter that took forever to update (because I know I enjoyed writing it)
Y'all know the drill😜
Please ignore my
• grammar lagoons
• if i rushed a scene or anything
• typos (if any)
I love love you guyss 🫶🏽💋

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