The rage and The calm I

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Othel pounced back and forth in anger, how could he? She felt utterly insulted. She was standing in the ruins of her throne room.
But he's not to blame, he too was rejected once by her own father. "Is this how it feels to be helpless?" she yelled "is this how it feels to be stranded in the midst of war?" she stomped her feet as her voice echoed through the empty halls.

It has been days since she left Argania, and the war is around the corner, how is she supposed to save everyone one if no one is willing to help her? Maybe she should just led the world be and watch it crumble to ashes, she thought. It wasn't her fault that all this is happening, she did not choose this destiny so why should she willingly accept it?

"Argh!" she yelled, her brown hair was wild and her eyes were red with frustration. You could hear the sound of her feet as she stomped, tears fill her eyes and she grabbed her hair "ARGH!" she yelled again and let go of her hair.

Belthazor just stood there and watched her rage, it swept over her like the ocean's waves and he watched as she let everything pour out. What was he to do? What was he to say? He knew in times like this it's best to leave her alone, but he could not just stand there and watch.

"Why does Mammoth seem so untouchable?" she turned to him and ask, "Tell me why everyone fears him so much? Is there something I do not know?"
He kept mute

"YOU WILL ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION, I AM YOUR QUEEN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" she screamed with a cracking voice, her eyes wild and tears scrolling down her face.

He fell to his knees, with his head hanging low "forgive me my queen, I mean no disrespect. I just do not know the words to start telling you this tale, for the story behind mammoth is a heavy one" he said with a low voice.

Othel wiped her eyes and brushed her hair down with her fingers, she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Speak" she finally said after she composed herself
"The seventh kingdom was only used as bait, a pawn in this game of chess" he began "what do you mean a pawn in this game of chess?" she sneered with keen frustration.

"Your father was baited and he took it because of his greed" Belphegor took a deep breath " When Mammoth ascended from hell with his comrades, the darkness and anger in his heart was so much that it reeked and affected the creatures there, and the dark north was born. Before he ascended, it was a kingdom of a thousand stars and an endless moonlight, but not anymore. It is now the gloomiest place on earth, with an endless dark mist covering the whole kingdom."

"Why was he angry?" she asked
"he was disrespected in his own house—his own kingdom. And when he seek council for justice, none of us showed up" he said with a tone of regret in his voice. "you must understand your grace, in hell there are rules and customs that every house must follow, else everything will fall into chaos—and everything did after greed left"

"go on"

"Hell is a kingdom, and there are seven houses in hell representing the seven mortal sins; Pride, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. All seven princes of these houses are brothers and they-- we have names; Lucifer the prince of Pride, Satan the prince of Wrath, Leviathan the prince of Envy, Mammoth the prince of Greed, Asmodeus the prince of Lust, Beelzebub the prince of Gluttony and finally, me, Belphagor the prince of Sloth.

I stated our names based on our rank and power. Each house has its own laws that other houses must obey to avoid in house wars, and one of the most important law of all the seven houses is that no prince shall visit another prince's house without an invitation. As simple as it sounds, we struggle to keep up with it, especially Pride. As his name goes so does his personality, he refuses to follow those rules because he has more power and authority than us all. He walks as if he owned the place, we all resented him, but Mammoth resents him the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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