Him 1.2

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This chapter is for my girl khadijagarko  💕 this book would be nothing without her, ily bro<3!!


The council have assembled for another meeting, even though they have been having dozens of them these days.

"Is she really the one?" Came a whisper from the crowed palace grounds "I don't think so, no one has actually ever seen her before. She can't possibly be" another came.

Rumors has got round the kingdom that a fair maiden from the west was there, and she held back the intruders that came a night ago. The people of the seventh kingdom have been running their mouths non-stop.

"Some say she is a blessing from the Gods, no one has really been able to stand firmly against the dark Northerners in years" a voice rose from one of the townsmen.
Whispers here, whispers there. Whispers everywhere.

Othel walked gracefully with her head up high, her thick brown hair set loose behind her back, her silverly gray eyes shining as radiant as ever in the midday sun, her sword strapped onto her waist as she follows Maxwell to the halls of the castle. She was summoned.
"Don't worry your majesty" belthazor said "it is maybe for the best. You might get a chance to prove yourself to them after all"

"Wait here your grace" Maxwell said and he pushed opened two oak doors that led to the great hall in the palace. What was once a beautiful place, filled with tapestries and paintings of past kings, crimson carpets that went from the door to the throne, beautiful glass windows with mosaic stories on them was now nothing but something it used to be.

She was nervous, she didn't know what awaited her behind those doors. Will they accept her? Or they will deny her of her birth right and strip her of it. "They wouldn't dare" she thought to herself.

The previous night

Othel stood there, in awe, looking at Ara and Ari as they unfathomly bow before her. "Was this a dream?" She thought "No, it cannot be". She was never used to these creatures paying their respects, or calling her their queen.

"Rise" she finally spoke after what felt like a forever, she was drowning in her thoughts but she could let that defile her.

Ava and Ari rose their heads from her feet, but they couldn't look at her face, they kept their gazes low.

"What will become of you when you go back to your lord with the task undone?" She asked.

"Nothing" Ari answered "your majesty. We will inform him of what happened here and that we have retired. There will be no more wars for us"

"Most certainly, your majesty. We will retire to the underworld where we will have our rest. It has been centuries and it is about time we drop our weapons" Ara added

"We took an oath that we will drop our weapons and surrender if we were to ever meet you. It didn't matter where or at what position we found ourselves, we swore on the tip of our weapons that they may end us if we fail to oblige"

"Are you saying you have been searching for me?" She asked again

"Who hasn't, Your magesty? We all were" Ari said

"So there's more?"

"Yes" they both nodded

"We both knew that we would dread the day we find you but something in us was looking forward to it. Like a longing, lingering in our lives. Your majesty, you're loosing time. You must end this war before it is too late" Ara said.

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now