Her 1.2

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"Assemble everyone to the palace" general ordered
"Yes general " a guard answered.
General dashed through the frightened crowd and made his way to the castle gates.
The people were directed to the palace and they were hid in a safe room; as they call it. The safe room is an underground room that was purposely built for keeping the royal family safe in times of crucial war. It can only be opened from the inside when it's locked. it is a big room with no windows, brick walls, and an escape door that leads to the outskirts of the kingdom.

When everyone was safely inside the room, it was locked shut from the outside as some guards were with the people inside.
General's second in command was right at his tail following him with full speed.
"Why are they here?" General wondered "it's not yet time for the war... This cannot be good".

General's second in command was also as lost as he was in thought. "Should i call for back up?" He asked "There is no need" general replied "i cannot afford to loose more men before this war" he added.

On reaching the castle gates, two dark hooded men stood on foot. One held a bow and the other held a spear. Their hoods were made of a foreign leather skin that covered them from head to toe and 3/4 of their faces. These men have no shadows but you can see the dark energy emerging from them.

General's second in command drew his sword and took guard as general took some steps further.
"What brings you to the 7th kingdom? " general asked
They kept mute.

"Leave or we will attack. We are fully armed and ready to fight" spat general's second in command has he tighten his grip on his sword.
Before he could utter another word, one of dark hooded men was standing before him. He gasped as his breathing got heavier but it felt like the air around him got thinner.

The creature grabbed him by his neck and rose him from the ground. General stood there dumbfounded, wondering how and when did that creature left his initial position, pass through the locked palace gates and got to where Maximus was standing.

Maximus was struggling to breathe as his heart was pounding in his chest. His sword fell from his hand and hit the ground as he struggled to break free from his grip. His eyes were turning red as his face turned blue... He finally gave in. As he was about to accept the light, he heard a thrashing sound and then suddenly he hit the ground.

"Hey, you there! Head to the palace don't just stand there, move!" She heard a guard yelled.

She ignored his yelling for her eyes were searching for general "where did he go?" She whispered softly. Through the panicking crowd she saw him heading to palace gates with his second in command behind him.

She followed them.
When they finally stop walking, she hid behind an old barrel.

When she looked at the creatures standing before them, she felt something in her trigger. She felt the same feeling she did back when she was 6- when she had her first visit from a dark creature. She remembered she felt powerful and dominant over the creature. The feeling got more intense when he bowed down to her "Your magesty" she heard his voice ringing in her ears.

She watched the creatures carefully as general tried to speak with them. She let out a sarcastic laugh in her mind as she heard Maximus threaten them "is he trying to get everyone killied?" She wondered. Before she knew it, the creature was standing in front if Maximus.

He grabbed his neck and lifted him up from the ground. Otherl was starting to get pissed off now. She watched as he put is hands to free himself from his grip as he struggled for air. She wants to interfere. She has to interfere or Maximus will be no more.

She drew her sword quietly and snuck into the scene. And in one strike, she sliced the creatures hand off. Maximus fell on the ground with a loud thud. The creature quickly took some steps back and othel stood infront of the now unconscious Maximus.
General stood there, now in awe.

Her Legend: OthelWhere stories live. Discover now