Argania 1.0

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"Take me to Argania" she commanded
"Yes, your grace" Belthazor answered
She held his hand and in a blink of an eye, she was standing in the middle of a forest— Or atleast what was once a forest. Standing before her were two huge stones, indicating the borders of Argania.
They walked through them.
The trees looked weak, like they haven't seen rainfall in years. The forest floor was covered with dried leaves and rocky soil. There were armors too, of lost comrades who fought to their deaths.
"What happened here?" Othel asked as she started walking around
"The Dark north did" said belthazor as he followed

Her body stiffened, but she brushed it off.

He noticed

"There are 5 kingdoms under the Seventh kingdom— Ostoria; home of the giants, Nidavellir; home of the dwarfs, Falhemir; home of the fairies, Argania; home of the elves and finally, Migard; home of the Human kind. These five kingdoms make up the seventh kingdom your grace. But when the dark north came, they attacked Argania first— burning houses and farmlands, slaughtering people like cattle, it was a very dreadful year. Valeria, son of Valerie— the chief of chiefs wrote to your father regarding the situation in Argania but weeks went by, and he got nothing in response. Then the neighboring chiefs got worried, for they fear that if Argania could not contain the attack, their small kingdoms stood no cha—" he stopped abruptly

"What's wrong?" Othel asked reaching for her sword.
"We are surrounded your grace!" He yelled, "take cover"

Before Othel could do anything, dozens of soldiers rose from the forest floor, holding drown bows with fixed arrows.

They circled them— ready to release their arrows and they would have at any moment, but they hesitated— like they were waiting for something, a command maybe. They wore dark copper red armors and helmets inside a green leather suit— an armor made with Mithril— a metal resembling silver but lighter and stronger than steel. The helmets had a distinct phoenix design on it made with gold. They are covered from head to toe, making only their eyes visible.
Belthazor knew it so well, for he has fought with Arganians once.

Othel also stood her ground as Belthezor circled her slowly " My name is Othel, daughter of the seventh king of the seventh kingdom, and the Queen to the throne" she started "i have come to speak to your chief"

They lowered their bows as someone rose from the forest floor. He had a different armor, and a different leather suit too. His amor was burnt yellow, almost orange and a brown leather suit. He looks different than all the rest. He has a silver sword with a wooden handle on his waist.
He is tall, 6ft11 with broad shoulders and a lean body.

He took off his helmet revealing his face "your grace" he began "i will take you to him" he said promptly.

His cream skin glistened in the sun as he raised his head to look at her.

His eyes, oh his eyes!
His warm brown downturned eyes that turns into pools of honey in the sun rays.

He had a diamond face shape with all the right edges, an almost perfect button nose and cream heart-shaped lips, just like the color of his skin.
He has long brown hair with golden highlights that has a single braid that goes over his ear.

He is beautiful, a warm kind of beauty.
" Arondir son of Agnar, commander of the blood elven army, it's been a long time" Belthazor said with a smirk.

He was taken by surprise "didn't i tell you not to see you around these borders again?" He asked sarcastically "you people from hell do not belong in this peaceful land" he said with a half smirk.

"Oh my! you know what they say, Argania is too beautiful for one to keep off. I just couldn't help it if you ask me" he shrugged

"At least it used to be" he said with a blank expression.

"And that is why we are here" said Belthazor "Red silvans lower your guard, We have a queen among us and an old friend. Pay your respects!"

"Welcome Your grace!" They all said in unison as the went on one knee.

"Your grace, if you may please follow me" he ushered.

Othel nodded and followed him.

He walked to an old oak tree and he drew a symbol with what looks like wand.

The leaves started clearing, making a path way for them as a portal opened— and beyond it, lies Argania; the land of the elves.

"After the first few attacks from the Dark north, we had to do something to protect our people." He said as they walked through the portal. "Our wise chief sent for a strong old fairy to come and cast magic, something that would veil us and protect us from the outside world, Magic that only Arganian's can breach and the kind fairy agreed. We vacated to the other side of the forest, she casted the veil and it covered us all." He said with a smile which almost revealed his double fanged gap teeth.

"We are now building our kingdom from scratch" he said proudly "with different architecture and design, so many things would be different from the old  Argania. We plan to make this one stronger and more durable in times of war. The last one fell too easily and left us stranded and yet, many people called our Chief a coward for running in to the forest and hiding with his people instead of fighting the dark northerners. But what he did was wise, he knows we stand no chance against them, it was safer to run and hide than fight a loosing war. It was better to stay with his people and fiend for them than to leave them stranded and without a leader..."

"Yabbidy yabbidy yada" Belthazor interrupted with keen disinterest "Sounds like cowardice to me" he added yawning

"You haven't changed one bit" Arondir said shaking his head
"How do you guys know each other?" Othel asked curiously

"We fought in the battle of a thousand worlds with Ara and Ari. We were all comrades representing and fighting for our kind" Belthazor said "and we have been friends since then" he added with a toothy smile

"In other words, HE has been annoying ever since" said Arondir.

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