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It was the sweet smell of Midnight's quirk that caused Katsuki to cry again. But the scent was quickly overpowered by the strong smell of coffee and cats. It was warm; but it was not wet. Somewhere along the line, Katsuki had realized what exactly was going on and who was with him. It was his safe people and a few others. The only ones that he let touch him were his safe people. But it wasn't enough to shove everything back into his suitcase. Nothing could help him put it all back. The suitcase was broken, zipper ruined and fabric ripped to shreds. He was stuck reliving the confronting feelings that he'd been so good at pushing away for so long. He hated it. And he hated himself.

"I just wanted to be a hero" He couldn't help but whisper.

His teacher to held him, grip tightening when the man's fingers curled into fists, "You are one"

"'M dirty"

"No, you're the strongest Katsuki. You are so strong! Our number one!" Kaminari answered, tone light and reassuring. Katsuki offered a pinky to the electric blonde next to him and the boy took it, interlocking it with his own.

"Plus ultra" Katsuki whispered.

"Katsuki. I hate to be the bearer of bad topics but... Who did this? " Katsuki shook his head at his teacher.

"He's untouchable" He muttered instead of an answer.

"Not from me he isn't"

"He... Uh... Monoma was expelled right?" His teacher frowned. Years of hero experience picking up at the implications of the question.

"He was. He's not on the school records anymore. Plus I filed a report"

Katsuki let his lips twist up as he spoke darkly; "You might want to file another one"

"Katsuki" He turned back to Denki, "Do you think you can walk?" –He nodded– "Let's go get you changed" Katsuki looked to Aizawa for confirmation and the pro nodded

"Go ahead. And Kaminari, do not leave him for anything, not even to piss. We don't know if this's the one and only, or not" Discount Pikachu nodded, face the most serious Katsuki had ever seen. Katsuki took the boy's hand when it was offered. How could they stand touching him? He crossed the roof to the access door. Kaminari held out his hand for him and Katsuki took it. They passed Midnight, Kirishima, and Sero; the 'first responders.' Originally Mic was there but he'd left to check the classes minutes prior.

"We can grab your bag, you have your gym clothes right?"

Katsuki nodded. "Yeah" He interlaced fingers with Kaminari as they walked down the stairs. He used his other hand to hold his shirt closed. They slowly stepped down the stairs; Katsuki's legs were shaking from pain that he thought he'd be used to by now. He kept muttering curses under his breath but Kaminari wisely made no comment on that. It took them quite a few minutes to make it to the classroom. Katsuki gripped Kaminari's hand tighter when the door was in view. He could hear Present Mic from the end of the hall, probably coming from his classroom.

"Actually..." He stammered out. "I'd... I'd rather not..."

"That's alright, we can just get a drink and go back to our dorms. Sound good?" Katsuki must've been blessed somewhere, to meet such kind people. He was starting to think Kaminari was some sort of a deity.

"Yea- Yeah" He whispered back. "I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry! You're number one" Katsuki, in a spur of the moment sort of thing, hugged Kaminari, the boy returned it easily. Realizing the mistake he'd made came to him when a voice squealed. He jumped.

"I KNEW IT!" Ashido practically screamed, the hall pass in her hand swinging as she cheered, making Katsuki wince; so loud...

"We're not- He's not-" Kaminari's not villainous, he's a hero. Katsuki wouldn't want to distract him from that.

Kaminari seemed to have other thoughts as he reached down and grabbed Katsuki's hand "Not yet anyways" Katsuki's eyes widened. What?

I know I'm creating the White Room thing by not describing rooms but I've never actually watched the anime. I want to read the manga, but I want paper... so it's kinda taking a while.  I'll edit it later I guess? (probably not)

Word Count: 717

((Grammar and Spelling Fixed))

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