48. High Inquisitor.

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"No no she's got a point." Fred said over breakfast "And their common room is closest to the kitchen."

"Lucky.." Ginny grumbled, while eating her eggs. Ginny was not a morning person.

"Whats that got to do with anything?" Harry asked.

"Come on Harry use your brain." George snickered "...perfect for if they get the munchies."

"This is absurd." Hermione shook her head, trying to hide the small smile on her face.

"I don't think its absurd at all. Its even in the name.. hufflePUFF." Y/n grinned "and why do you think they're always so happy? It all adds up."

"How do you know so much about that stuff anyway?" Ron asked.

"Ron im dating George, and I was raised in muggle London." Y/n said plainly.

"Do that many muggles do it?" He asked "and how are you two getting hold of it?"

"Well you didn't hear it from me but Proffesor sprout-" Fred went quiet when he noticed Seamus approaching.

"Urm hi guys." He coughed awkwardly.

"Hi Seamus." Hermione said.

"I guess I ought to just say it.." he began "i wanted to apologise to 'ya Harry. Even me mothers starting to say that the daily prophet isn't making sence. And well what I'm really trying to say is I believe 'ya."

"No problem mate." Harry nodded appreciatively. "I'm glad you came round."

"And you y/n..I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it, and i believe you too, about the guy who tortured you and everything. I was a proper dick."

"Yeah you were." Y/n laughed "but its allright..friends?" She stuck out a hand for him, and he shook it gratefully.

"Guys!" Dean called racing to the table.

"What is it mate?" Seamus asked.

He hunched over slightly and held his knees, trying to catch his breath "the people from the daily prophet are outside.." he breathed heavily "there giving Umbridge a title.."

"Oh shit." Ron said, dropping his toast on to his plate.

"Come on guys." Harry said getting to his feet.

The group all raced out to the courtyard, along with some other students who had over heard.

"Whats going on Harry?" Cho asked, as they ran through the corridors.

"The daily prophet are here, something to do with Umbridge." He explained.

"Whats happened to Dumbledore?" A female reporter questioned.

"Is it true you're stopping all use of magic in defence classes?" Another journalist shouted.

As the group approached the courtyard the overwhelming flashes of cameras and mob of reporters took them by surprise.

"Harry we best stop here." Hermione said putting her arm out infront of him.

"Shes right, they'll just bombard us with questions because...well because we're us." Y/n said.

"Bunch of bloody misfits 'ain't we?" Ron chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right." Harry sighed.

"How do you feel about you're new position of High Inquisitor?" A man holding a tape recorder asked.

"Whats a High Inquisitor?" Y/n said quietly.

"I 'dunno." Ron shrugged "why dont we go look at the notices, I bet Filch is putting one up about it."

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