64. suspicion arises.

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"Have you guys noticed that Cho's not been at the last two meetings?" Said Harry quietly.

"Yes I have acctually." Hermione said, only just now realising that it was a little odd.

"Have you spoke to her recently Harry?" Y/n asked, flicking through a page in a book whilst they all roamed the hallway.

Harry shook his head "no things are a bit weird."

"Weird how?" Smirked Ron.

"Weird..like she's always crying and-"

"Well what do you expect?" Both y/n and Hermione said with quite a stern force. Ron jumped the same way he did when his mother called his name in that not so friendly tone.

"No no i know." Harry put his hands up "it just feels weird i dunno. I mean Cedric was my friend too.."

Y/n quickly swallowed a lump she felt forming in her throat "i wouldn't worry about it Harry. You can't force these things, I'm sure she'll understand."

Ron tapped Harry's shoulder "im sure she'll be at the next meeting mate."

Hermione didn't look too convinced but nodded all the same.

"Look" y/n nudged Hermiones side "What's he doing?"

Hagrid was hiding behind a pillar and waving for the four of them to come to him. He kept looking up and down the hallway nervously.

"Hagrid what are you doing?" Asked Harry.

"Shhh!" He hushed "I need you to come with me..but be quiet...and don't let anyone see us."

"Hagrid you're huge. How are we going to manage that?" Said Ron.

"Shhh!" He hissed again.

Ron raised his eyebrows and pulled a face, y/n copied the face and they both giggled quietly.

"Ruddy shh you two. This is important." Hagrid said again.

Ron smirked at y/n, but they both quietened down. Hagrid led the four of them through the castle, taking longer routes to avoid being seen. Harry and Hermione followed Hagrid closely; whilst y/n was flicking back through her book as they walked and Ron was just day dreaming.

"Come on quickly down here." Hagrid beckoned them to follow him down the hill outside, which led to his hut. Once down by his hut he then began leading them behind the wonky building.

Ron tugged on Y/ns arm, making her look up from what she was reading "what?"

Ron nodded forwards to show Hagrid leading them all in to the forbidden forest.

"Urm." Y/n cleared her throat "We're not going in there are we?"

"It'll be fine trust me." Hagrid said confidently, not looking back once, but instead carrying on in to the confines of the forest.

Ron shook his head at y/n "not one good thing has ever happened to us in that forest." He whispered.

"I know." She said quietly "but we've got to trust Hagrid. Right?"

"No." Hissed Ron "last time we came in here with him Harry met..you know who...and what about the spiders? Has everyone forgot about the bloody spiders."

"That was different." Y/n rolled her eyes "but I know what you mean...the spiders were horrid."

Ron groaned and begrudgingly stepped forwards, y/n following closely.

"Urm Hagrid." Harry said looking around for any sort of destination "can you tell us where we're going yet?"

"Not far now." Asured Hagrid "I had to put him somewhere the ministry or a student wouldn't accidently come across him."

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