57. A Weasley Ball

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"You allright hun?" Said Y/n gently. George was stirring awake next to her.

"Yeah." He stretched out his arms "you?"

She nodded, not breaking her attention away from what she was sat up in bed doing.

"Merlin!" George rubbed his eyes awake "what are you doing?"

"Knitting." She shrugged as though it were obvious, and continued waving her fingers towards the floating ball of burgundy yarn and a pair of Molly's knitting needles.

George pushed himself up and kissed her cheek "You're getting really good with all the purple stuff."

Y/n looked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Your magic i mean." He chuckled lying back down on the bed, "so did you have a good Christmas?"

"What do you mean?" She laughed "you were there?"

George shrugged "didn't see alot of you, you spent most of your time with Harry...so I was just wondering did you have a nice time?"

"Seriously?" Y/n looked at him, breaking her concentration away from the knitting, causing yarn and needles to fall off the bed "Harry needed my help, so I helped him."

"No no im not saying it like that." George began. He wasn't the jealous type at all. That was until he fell for Y/n, and ever since he'd been terrified she'd leave him.

"Well I dont understand where all this is coming from? I thought that we were fine?" Said Y/n flatly. It hurt her that he clearly didn't know just how much she loved him.

"We are fine." He sat up quickly, and brought his hand up to her face gently "we are fine aren't we love?" George rubbed his thumb on her cheek.

Y/n leant into his hold "yeah we're fine." She smiled.

"Whats going on with us?" George sighed.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders "We're a bit out of sync don't you think?"

"Yeah...but why?"

"I think you're thinking about it too much. Its a stressful time for everyone, its bound to take a toll on our relationship...we're just kids."

"I've never been like this with anyone." Sighed George.

"What do you mean?"

"I 'dunno really." George wrapped his arm around her shoulder and y/n lent into his torso comfortably "you just drive me crazy...but like in the best way. And I wouldn't change it for the world but sometimes it scares me how much I love you."

"You know I'm not ever going anywhere. You couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to." Smiled Y/n, running her finger up and down his bare arm "but I don't want you to ever feel like our relationship isn't secure...I just sometimes.."

"What?" George pressed.

"I think everything that happened last year, and even this year...it effected me. I was scared and the only place I felt safe, was when I was with you. And thats all well and good but it wasn't healthy so...if it ever feels like I'm being distant from you, it not because I don't love you, its because I love you so much that if I don't take time away from you then I'll become utterly and totally dependant on you...and thats not fair on either of us."

George warmly pressed his lips onto hers. Smiling madly into the kiss. He pulled back after a frevelant and passionate moment "so we really are fine."

"Yes." Giggled y/n.

George sighed a genuine breath of relief.

"Anyway I was thinking..." y/n said quietly "I might know a way to get us more in sync again." She smirked.

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