Songs of the Dark Lantern (part 3)

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Greg comes up from beside you and sits down in your lap.
"(Y/n), I think I ate too much food. My stomach is going all wiggly." Greg groans. You smile at him and allow him to stay in your lap until his nausea passes. You had always loved little kids like Greg. (A/n) I honestly don't get how some people can hate kids! They're so adorable :3)

You look back at the spot where Wirt was only to see that he wasn't there, and the tavern patrons had lifted him onto the stage! Most of the people (except for the tailor, you're pretty sure he has some issues) are chanting "sing lover, sing!".
Oh boy... you think. This isn't going to end well.

I watch Wirt perform his... ahem... lovely performance. I mean, at least it got the message across that we ARENT dating


Beatrice POV:
I stared through the window, giving Wirt dirty looks every time he happened to make eye contact with me. He was having a good time getting thrown up into the air and singing songs on stage.
"Well horse, good riddance!" I shouted, before flying off into the woods. I heard a faint sound of singing.
"Tra lalala, tra lalala. Chop the wood to light the fire!"
That song distracted me very much for some reason. I felt a hard surface hit my head, before the world went dark.

Sorry about the short chapter everyone! I've been very very VERY busy with school lately 🥲

Word count~ 254

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