Lullaby in Frogland (part two)

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"Uhhh," Wirt looked at you with wide eyes. It was obvious that he was very nervous. Just then, Wort's knees began to give out. As you all nearly toppled over, you accidentally hit the bassoon player, and he stumbled until he fell off of the ferry!
Every frog on the boat began to scream,
"Hot dog these guys really love the bassoon!" Wirt exclaimed, looking more panicked than ever.
You looked around, trying to think of something to fix the situation, when you noticed the bassoon was still on the boat.
"Hey, you play clarinet right? There's probably not much of a difference between these two, you should play the bassoon for the frogs." You quickly bent over and grabbed the bassoon before anyone could notice, holding it out to Wirt.
"I-I mean, I don't have the embouchure for bassoon. Besides, nobody wants to hear me play."  He stammered, pushing the instrument back towards you.
"Come on Wirt, what other choice do we have? I want to hear you play." You shot him a half smile, and you could see him physically relax a bit. He stared at you for a moment, his expression unreadable, before grabbing the bassoon.
"Alright, here goes nothing,"
As the notes escaped the bassoon, you were appalled as to why Wirt was so scared to play. The instrument sounded beautiful. As the rest of the frog band began to play the song again, you heard a deep voice begin to sing along. You looked up in awe, as George Washington was the one singing.
"Whoa!" You heard Greg say from beside you.

The boat ride had turned into a magical experience for the four of you. Even when the cloak slipped off of you and Wirt, the police were too captivated in the performance to arrest you. The bassoonist eventually caught up to the ferry, and was put back in his spot in the band. He began to play a beautiful melody, as the rest of the band followed suit. The sun was setting, and every one of the frog couples began to dance with one another.
You felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Hey, remember that one time in my room? When we were dancing to the backstreet boys and Whitney Houston?" Wirt shot you a goofy smile, dramatically bowing his hand to you. "This is a bit more appropriate for slow dancing, don't you think, milady?" He asked, doing a very terrible british accent.
"Please never try to sound british again," you laughed. "But yes, I do think it is a rather lovely night to dance, good sir." You mimicked the accent.

Taking Wirt's hand in yours, the two of you walked to the center of the deck. You placed your hands around Wirt's neck, and he gently placed his own on your waist. You both goofily swayed back and fourth to the beautiful music. No moment in your life had ever felt more real. This was practically heaven for you. You were slow dancing with the boy you had fallen for with a sunset in the background, and a live band playing before your very eyes.
You didn't know if it was the heat of the moment, the relief that you knew you would finally be going home, or just pure love for Wirt that made you slowly lean in and kiss the boy, but whatever it was, nothing in your mind was stopping you.

As you had your lips pressed to his, you felt Wirt stiffen up. You pulled away. "Is something wrong?"
"No," Wirt breathed, pulling your face back into his, this time his lips crashing into yours. However, after a moment, Wirt pulled away. He had a strange look on his face, not the kind you would want to see after kissing someone.
"(y/n), I think that kiss was a mistake." He said, his eyes unable to meet yours.

Poetry and Clarinet (Wirt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now