Schooltown Follies (part one)

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A/n: sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been getting so much schoolwork and haven't had much time! Also, I've been getting a lot of messages from people, and I am not going to respond because I don't have a proper email set up. Ok, so I'm not ignoring you! Love you all!
Wirt POV:
I felt the sun spread across my face as I was gently being shaken awake.
"B-Beatrice?" I asked the bird.
"Come on, you're the last one up! We could have been far away from here by now." She nagged. I looked up at (y/n). She reached her hand out to help me up.
"Thanks," I mumbled, still half asleep. We roamed around in the woods for a little while more. Greg must have gotten bored because he started to sing one of his childish little songs.
"Oh~, we're going to the pasture to meet Adelaide and ask her if  she has a way to send us back where we came from," (y/n) grabbed onto his hands and spun around with him. That was one thing I always loved about her. She would always be so sweet and nice to Greg, especially when I don't feel like putting up with him.
"Greg, could you stop please?" Beatrice pleaded, obviously annoyed with Greg.
"But we have to do something fun!" He protested with a big pout.
"No, we really don't. I honestly wish you were more like your brother, Greg." Beatrice complained. I felt proud that she enjoyed my persona, so I plastered a smug grin on my face.
"What do you mean?!" (Y/n) exclaimed.
"You know, just always doing what you're told. Nothing more than a pathetic pushover."
(Y/n) gasped and glared at the bird. I watched as she stormed away from Beatrice and stood next to me. I felt her hand brush against mine, and a warm feeling came throughout my body. It was similar to how I feel- or uh, I guess felt about Sara. I soon made the realization that I hadn't thought about her since we found ourselves in this strange place. Did I even like her anymore?
(Y/n) POV
As you walked further into the beautiful wood, You noticed that it was awfully quiet.
"Wait- where's Greg?" You asked Wirt. He shrugged.
"Wandered off I guess?" He told me.
"CHEESE AND CRACKERS!" Beatrice yelled at Wirt. You noticed a teapot bobbing up and down near some bushes behind us, so you started running towards it. When you entered the spot you were sure Greg had wandered into, you noticed a small house that looked similar to an Amish schoolhouse.
"I wonder if he went in there," you thought out loud. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to face Wirt. We walked towards the entrance of the building and were faced with a shock. Before your eyes were human sized animals that were wearing clothes that looked like they came right out of a little house on the prairie book.
"Excuse me, young man and young lady. You're late! You know the rules, once the bell has rung, class has begun." An actual human being scolded you from the front of the room. You didn't see Greg and decided to go outside and look for him. After a little searching, you found Greg sitting on a log with what looked like a deer, mouse, and raccoon (who were wearing clothes, of course).
"(Y/n)! We're going to play two old cat. Wanna join?" The boy asked you with big puppy eyes.
"Of course I'll play with you. Where's the bat?" You asked Greg.
"Huh? Oh here's one old cat!" Greg exclaimed, ignoring your question. You soon realized that he was literally trying to find two old cats. How cute is this smol bean?! You thought.
"You found another one!" Greg happily exclaimed. "Oh wait, I think that cat is too old. You'll have to find another old cat." He informed the mouse.
"Hey, (y/n)! I think there's one behind you!" Greg yelled at you. You turned around and screamed.
"Gorilla!" Greg yelled. The horrible gorilla chased you five around until you were out of breath.
"(Y/n)! Grab my hand!" Greg told you. You obliged and were pulled onto the roof of the schoolhouse. You noticed a giant bell and couldn't help but kick it.
"Holy moly Hotdog!" Greg wheezed. "Let's Go inside." He suggested. You nodded and followed the small boy and his new animal friends into a canteen in the schoolhouse. You saw Wirt and took a seat next to him.
"This is weird. It looks like a one room schoolhouse from outside, but inside it's way bigger." You observed.
"Now that you mention it, you're right." Wirt confined with a nod. A plate of potatoes was placed in front of you, and you were about to gobble it up when the teacher lady changed the song that whew was playing on her piano. It went from being a mournful lament to being more peppy and bubbly. Greg climbed on top of one of the long oak tables with a bottle of sweet molasses.
(Start song)
You laughed and banged the table with your fists to the beat of Greg's song. Wirt grabbed your glass of water and placed it a small distance away from his own. He then took hold of his spoon and banged them in between the cups to make a xylophone type instrument. Greg came over to you with the bottle of molasses and poured a heaping amount onto your potatoes. You all laughed and sang along to Greg's catchy tune before a booming voice entered the canteen.
"That's enough!"

Poetry and Clarinet (Wirt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now