Hard Times at the Huskin Bee (part two)

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Wirt POV
I glanced around the creepy cult-like barn trying to find someone that looked like they could be trusted at least a bit. As I was careening through the masses of pumpkin people, I ran into one of the female ones.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" I quickly backed away and threw my hands halfway up.
"You're Fine, but say, aren't you a little too... early?" The sweet sounding pumpkin woman inquired.
"What do you mean?" I asked her, confused beyond belief.
"It just doesn't quite look like you and your girlfriend over there are ready to join us yet," the woman nonchalantly remarked. I facepalmed myself as I felt my cheeks go hot. Why did everyone think that (y.n) was my girlfriend?! She's an amazing person and could date someone way better than me.
"Look, im just looking to leave here as fast as possible," I told the woman.
"Wait- leave Pottsfield?! Who wants to leave Pottsfield?" A voice to my left yelled. The entire barn went sickly silent. (Y/n) came over to me, holding Greg's hand. Beatrice tried to fly away, but one of the pumpkin people managed to grab her.
"Wirt...," (y/n) whispered in my ear.
"Hey, I won't let them do anything to you, and if they so much as lay a finger on you or Greg, I'll do away with all of them," I reassured her, not believing my own words. (Y/n) gave me a look that meant she had the same thought, but she wrapped her arms around one of mine anyway.
Timeskip to when they are working cuz I'm too lazy to write the whole Enoch conversation
(Y/n) POV
You hadn't noticed how much ambition Wirt had towards tasks, until you were sentenced to your manual labor hours. For some reason, you felt a metaphorical pain in your heart every time you thought about how Wirt told you he liked Sara.
"Hey (y/n)! I found buried treasure!" Greg yelled out to you from his little hole.
"Oh, what is it?" You asked him.
"A skeleton!" He yelled with a perfect amount of enthusiasm for someone his age. You gasped and went pale.
"We're digging our own..." you Heard Wirt mumble to himself. The sound of blaring horns caused you to jump in surprise and turn around. You screamed and looked up at the giant creature that was Enoch towering over you.
"Your Time is up!" Enoch declared in his horrifyingly booming voice.
"Have the holes been dug?" An elderly pumpkin asked the four of you.
"Uh, yes." Wirt said. Oh gosh, what is he doing?! You thought.
"Splendid. Then we'll-" the creature started.
"But... no," Wirt cut him off. You heard a clicking sound coming from below you. When you looked down, you noticed that Beatrice had picked your lock.
"C'mon, (y/n)! We have to run!" Beatrice pleaded with you.
"Did you unlock Wirt?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at Beatrice. Beatrice rolled her eyes and slowly nodded her head.
"The guy's just too dumb to realize," she said to no one in particular. That was it. You hadn't really liked Beatrice before, but now she was insulting your- well insulting your whatever Wirt is to you. A part of you felt very bad for your actions, but you had no choice but to run with Beatrice, as Greg had climbed out of his hole already. You quietly cleared your throat to try and alert Wirt that you were leaving, but it was no use.
"It's okay. He'll come. I don't think these guys are that dangerous if I'm being completely honest." Beatrice tried to lie. As bad as it felt, you ran. When you hid in a small shrub next to Greg, you screamed a little. The skeleton he found... it was moving!
"(Y/n), look! It's a zombie!" Greg exclaimed as two other skeletons came crawling out of yours and Wirt's holes.
"They're all skeletons!" You realized when one began to suit up into an orange vegetable costume.
"That's so cool! And that's a rock fact." Greg told you, pulling out his little dirpy rock.
Eventually Wirt realized that he was unlocked, and after saying goodbye to Enoch, he came running towards you, Beatrice, and Greg. Since it was getting late, you all decided to set up camp and sleep. Wirt found a few sticks and constructed a small tent out of his cape. Greg lifted the tea pot off of his head, revealing the pillow from the old mill. As the boys were drifting off to sleep, you felt very cold in your short sleeved steampunk outfit. Wirt noticed you shivering, and invited you into his tent. He huddled up next to you and you buried your face into his chest. It may have seemed awkward that you and Wirt were sleeping like this, but in all honesty, you didn't feel awkward. You were in the cold woods, and Wirt was your... you thought for a moment. There was a special feeling that Wirt had filled you with ever since you became stuck in this fantasy filled unknown. You thought for a few minutes, before realizing exactly what the feeling was. It was lust, romance, and... well, love! You were in love with this tall awkward poetry geek. You were about to smile, feeling satisfied with what you had realized before you remembered one thing. Sara.

Poetry and Clarinet (Wirt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now