Songs of the Dark Lantern; Part Two

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(Y/n) POV
"Uh... hello." I awkwardly stand there there, as the people stare at the four of us.
"Hey there peach pot, what can I get for yo-" a plump, kind looking woman starts, until she notices Beatrice sitting on Greg's teapot. "Hey, what's with this bird you got here?" She narrows her eyes at Wirt and I, expecting some sort of explanation.

"I am Beatrice, these three sweet kids and I are- HEY!" Beatrice yelps as the woman begins to smack her with a broom. As bad as this sounds, I can't help but to laugh.

Beatrice shot me a death glare. "You'll die someday lady, and I'll laugh. LAUGH!" She shouts at the woman.
Woah, calm down Beatrice, I think.
After the highwayman sang a weird song, I notice a man sitting in a rocking chair and laughing. He reminds me of Geppetto from Pinocchio. I tapped Wirt on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Hmm?" Wirt hummed, his eyes meeting your (eye color) ones.
"Can you go ask that guy if he knows where Adelaide lives? He gives off good vibes." You ask him, tilting your head towards the toy maker man.
"Oh, Uh, sure." Wirt left your side and walked over to the man. They talked for a moment before the toy maker stood up and started swiftly dragging Wirt away.

A pianist began to play a tune, and the toy maker started to sing a weird song about marriage. You made eye contact with Wirt, who's eyes practically radiated 'help me'.
You decided to walk over to him to see what was going on, but the tavern keeper pushed you forward and you smacked straight into Wirt.

"Oh um, sorry," you said, trying to back away from Wirt because you felt like you were really invading his personal space. But the tavern keeper pushed you towards Wirt again, and the toy maker began to sing once more.
"Kiss her! Kids Adelaide!" The baker shouted from the corner of the room. Everyone in the tavern soon began to chant along with him, until every patron was yelling "kiss her! Kiss her!"
Not knowing what to do, you quickly pecked Wirt on the cheek. That seemed to satisfy the people, since they began cheering and laughing once more. You chuckled as Wirt's cheeks were dusted pink from your actions.
"I'm going to go make sure Greg's doing alright. He's eaten like twenty plates of food so far," you smiled.
"Uh, okay!" Wirt gave you a lopsided grin before turning back to the tavern attendants, presumably to get them to calm down.

So I'm actually going to make this episode 3 chapters long, and sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER!! Anyway, I'll be updating the next part soon (I promise this time lmao)

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