Schooltown Follies (part two)

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Wirt POV
"Father!" Ms. Langtree exclaimed. (Y/n) tapped me on the shoulder.
"Thanks for being nice to Greg today," she whispered to me. I smiled.
"No problem!"
I watched as the man snatched up all of the animal's instruments. It was too bad that they were being forced to stop.
"Now send them to bed!" The man boomed at the teacher. I thought that it was quite peculiar that we were going to bed at such an early hour, but when I gazed out the widow I was faced with a beautiful night sky.
"Wirt, when did it get so late?" (Y/n) asked me as we got up to change into our Pyjamas.
"I honestly don't know. It seemed like it was lunchtime five minutes ago." I observed. It was rather peculiar that time seemed to have just sped forward, but that wasn't the weirdest thing I had seen all day.
(Y/n) POV
As you got changed into your baby blue Pyjamas, you couldn't get Wirt out of your mind. Ever since you had wound up in this odd place, you had seen a side of him that you had never thought possible from someone as timid and awkward as sweet old Worry-Wirt. You exited the changing room and saw Greg standing there.
"Hiya, (y/n)!" Greg smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back and give the small boy a big hug.
"I feel sort of bad. For the animals I mean," Greg frowned a bit.
"It's not your fault, Greg. You were just trying to make the world a better place." You reassured him.
"When me, you, Wirt, and Beatrice leave this school, can you help me think of ideas to make people happy?" Greg pleaded. You nodded your head and gave the child one last hug, before heading into the bedroom. You saw that Wirt was already there, and me motioned for you and Greg to climb into his bed, as it was the only one with more space. Little Greg climbed in between you and Wirt. You repositioned your legs underneath of the sheets, only to feel another long pair of legs. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you realized that the legs belonged to Wirt.
"Agh-sorry!" You quickly blurted out.
"It- it's Fine." Wirt Said, a Little too loudly. You glanced at him to see his olive colored cheeks turning cherry red. Just then, Beatrice came flying through a small open window.
"Okay Wirt, I was wrong. I thought you were a pathetic loser but in reality YOURE A STUBORN JERK WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE THIS UP?!" Beatrice scolded the poor boy. Wirt simply stated "maybe never. Maybe I'll never give this up,"
Something in Greg's head clicked as soon as Wirt made that remark, because he quickly sprung up from next to you.
"Wirt's right! Never give up. Now let's get out of here," the child tied some of the bedsheets together to create a makeshift rope. As you three carefully climbed down, you got curious as to what the little one was up to.
"So Greg, what's your Plan?" You kneeled down to ask him, as Greg could be no more than 4 feet tall.
"Oh, I hadn't thought about that yet." Greg admitted. You let out a chuckle and Wirt facepalmed himself.
  Just then, you heard someone talking in the bushes. Greg and Wirt must have heard it too, as they were staring at the bush as well.
"Oh, who'd have thought that opening a primary school for animals was a bad idea? I'm now forced to sell these instruments for money to keep the school open. All while that loathsome Jimmy Brown is off who knows where, and not to mention the wild gorilla on the loose," you shuddered at the thought of encountering the horrid gorilla again. "If only things would go right for a change,"
You peeked through the bushes to find Ms. Langtree's father sitting in his coat, with a trombone making it into a tent.
"Okay, he's asleep. Let's go steal his stuff!" Greg declared. You and Wirt gave each other a 'what?' glance, but decided to trust Greg.

Greg POV:
The next morning, (y/n), Wirt, Beatrice, and I gathered up all of the animal students and gave them their instruments back. I decided that since the scary yelling man didn't have enough money, we could raise some with a charity concert.
"Is everything all set?" I asked (y/n), who was behind me. She didn't reply, so I spun around to see her and Wirt staring at each other again. I don't even think that they realize when they are doing that, so I had to get their attention somehow.
"Hello?!?! I said, is everything all set?" I ran in between them and started jumping up and down.
"Oh, sorry Greg! Everything's all set." (Y/n) confirmed with a thumbs up.
Once the animals were seated and Ms. Langtree was outside, I hopped onto the stage to conduct the band. The little pig animal handed me a conductor's baton and I giggled.
"And a-one, and a-two, and a-one, two, three!" I exclaimed. I laughed and sang some of my silly songs to the music, when I noticed that the gorilla was back, and it was right behind (y/n)!
"GORILLA!" I shouted, and everyone started going crazy. They ran around like crazy tigers and hid behind one another.
"Young Man, do something!" Ms. Langtree's father said to Wirt. I watched in anticipation as Wirt ran up to the gorilla (like a tiger). He jumped onto the gorilla, and to my surprise, the gorilla's head popped off!
(Y/n) POV:
You dashed over to help Wirt stand back up.
"Wirt! That was the bravest thing I've ever seen, you just charged at that gorilla-" you started. Wirt pulled you into a hug, which caught you completely off guard. You smiled a little bit and pat his back.
"Jimmy?" You heard a voice ask from behind you. You saw Ms. Langtree headed towards the gorilla, and when the gorilla sat upright, you could see a man's head in place of where the gorilla's head should've been.
"Yes, that's right darling, I was the gorilla," the man confessed. You were slightly confused, and still shaken from when the man almost got Wirt.
After a cute little Jimmy Brown-Ms. Langtree reunion, Greg was singing his potato song on stage, and you and Wirt were standing next to each other, leaning on a tall oak tree. You felt something brush against your hand. It was warm and soft, and it made your stomach feel funny. The thing soon interlocked fingers with you, and you realized that the thing was actually Wirt's hand. You gulped as a firework show went off in your heart. You had known Wirt for only two months, but that day it became very clear that you liked the tall, awkward fourteen year old. And if it weren't for Sara, you would've asked him out there and then, but a part of you still felt doubtful, as if he was only holding your small hand for nothing.
"It looks like Jimmy and I aren't the only ones fallin' in love today, huh?" A woman with a twangy southern accent whispered into your ear. You looked to your right to see a winking Ms. Langtree, and for the first time in ages, you smiled like an idiot.

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