Song of the Dark Lantern (part 4)

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You, Wirt, and Greg rode Fred deep into the woods, hoping to find Beatrice safe and sound. The scene that you came upon, however, was absolutely petrifying. The woodsman (whom you had deemed is indeed, the beast) was standing above an unconscious Beatrice, his axe in hand.
"Hey! Let our friend go!" You yelled at the woodsman. The three of you quickly jumped off of Fred. Wirt and Greg ran over to distract the woodsman, while you sped over to Beatrice and scooped her up into your hands.
"Let's get out of here!" Wirt yelled, hopping back onto Fred. You followed suit as Greg kicked over the woodsman's lantern, causing the edelwood tree that he was standing in front of to catch on fire. Wirt grabbed Greg and lifted him onto the horse. With all three of you safe on Fred, you galloped off into the night.
"Phew, that was a close one!" Greg sighed, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead.
"That might have been the scariest thing I've ever done." You said, still in shock from the endeavor.
"I did it," Wirt breathed. "I did it! I escaped the beast! Oh, (y/n)! I really am the pilgrim!" Wirt wrapped his arms around you so tightly that you could barely breathe. He looked you in the eyes, and boy, were his brown eyes sparkling with happiness. Something between you and Wirt clicked in that moment, and you both slowly began leaning in closer and closer to one another until...

"Are you two about to kiss?! Eww!!" Greg exclaimed, sticking his tongue out.  You and Wirt immediately separated from each other.
"Uhhhh... sorry about that," Wirt whispered to you, his eyes unable to meet yours.
"Don't worry about it." You sheepishly smiled at him.
My gosh Wirt is so cute...

Poetry and Clarinet (Wirt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now