21 | The Recovery

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»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

They collapsed on the floor of the empty headquarters with a gasp. Carina could barely stop trembling long enough to pick herself up. Gideon wasn't even conscious. Regulus was the only one who managed to climb to his feet, rushing to Carina. 

"You two need a healer," he said urgently. 

"No one can know about this mission," Carina said hoarsely, shaking her head. 

"We can't do nothing, Lennox!" Regulus yelled, panic seeping into his voice. "You're as cold as ice, and we don't even know how much is wrong with Prewett." 

"Potions. I have potions in my flat. Take us there." 

"I- I've never been to your flat, I wouldn't be able to apparate us there." 


"Right," Regulus said immediately, turning to his loyal house elf. 

The anxious and distressed little elf didn't even need the verbal command before he whisked the three of them away to Carina's home. 

»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««


They landed smoothly in the living room. Carina struggled to steady her hands as she shivered. 

"How can I help?" Regulus asked. 

"W-we need to get dry." Carina's teeth chattered violently. She could barely hold her own wand right now. 

Kreacher, being ever-helpful, immediately dried their clothes and started a crackling fire in the fireplace.  

"Thank you," Regulus turned to his elf fondly. He took one of the blankets off the back of the sofa and wrapped it around Carina's shaking form. "What now?" 

"Now? Now you need to go back to Hogwarts. Kreacher, I- I think he needs a fresh set of pressed uniforms." Before Regulus could blink, he was redressed in an immaculately layered outfit of Hogwarts regalia. "Make sure you've been seen by as many people as you can. Talk to people. Ask someone a question, ask them how they're doing. Make sure they remember talking to you." 

"What about you?" Regulus asked in concern. 

"I h-have potions. I'll watch over Gideon." 

"Carina, you can barely watch over yourself right now," Regulus reminded her softly. "You need help." 

"It's too dangerous." Carina shook her head. "You need to return to Hogwarts before you're missed." 

"At least keep Kreacher with you," he urged. 

"Too risky," Carina shook her head. "What if your family asks him where he's been?" 

"Shite... I didn't think of that." Regulus said with widening eyes. Kreacher was a security risk even if he didn't stay. So long as he belonged to the entire family, any Black could force the poor elf to betray them all. He turned to his childhood companion with a look of determination. "Kreacher, I'm going to give you clothes." 

"NO!" Kreacher shrieked in distress. "Kreacher does everything Master asks. Kreacher will not take clothes!" 

Regulus sunk down to one knee, holding the elf at his elbows to prevent him from flailing in distress. "I know, Kreacher. You've been a very good elf- the best. But if I don't free you, my family could call you at any time. They could make you betray me if they ask you how you helped us, do you understand?"

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