26 | Prophecized

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"Do you know why we're here?" Carina whispered as they walked towards headquarters. 

"No idea, angel," Gideon shrugged. "You know Dumbledore loves his cloak of mystery." 

"A little too much, I'd say," Carina grumbled. 

"It can't be anything too urgent," Gideon assured her. "Moody hasn't said anything."

"Where's Fabian?" 

"With Moody. Doing stuff for the Ministry. I'm supposed to fill them in later." 

As the two stepped into headquarters, they were surprised to see the otherwise unlikely group gathered before them. Dumbledore stood near the fireplace with a solemn expression, the usual twinkle completely absent from his eyes. Sirius waited anxiously, tapping his foot with his arms crossed across his chest. Alice sat on the other couch while Frank stood beside her. But the most bizarre of the crop was James and Lily sitting on the couch looking at each other worriedly.  

"What's going on?" Carina asked cautiously, a cold sensation of dread slithering down her back. 

Seeing Sirius, Frank, and Alice at debriefs was normal enough, given they were aurors. But James and Lily were rarely called in specifically. They were civilians, and Lily hadn't even completed her healer training yet! 

"Come in, Miss Lennox," Dumbledore invited, though he seemed deeply tired. 

Carina hesitated near the threshold, feeling the whisperings of anxiety creeping up on her consciousness. Her hands started trembling ever so slightly, and for the life of her, Carina could not make her body obey. Glancing down, her companion noticed her sudden nervousness. Gently pressing his hand against her back, Gideon guided her towards the others. 

"There's been an unforeseen development," Dumbledore began wearily. "One that I'm afraid affects you all." 

"All of us?" Sirius blurted out. 

"Well, most directly the Potters and Longbottoms. But it has the potential to be a devastating turn." 

"What is it, professor?" Lily asked anxiously, hands clenched in her lap. 

"I've just witnessed a new prophecy. One that might have grave implications for both your families."

Everyone stared in dead silence as Dumbledore unfurled a small piece of parchment from his robes, clearing his throat. 

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...."

Carina didn't realize she stopped breathing until Gideon tugged her fingers in concern. She turned to him, her face emoting fear and anxiety. His curious gaze softened, and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"Seventh month..." Alice mumbled aloud, horror creeping into her features. "Our baby is due in July!" 

"So is ours," Lily whispered helplessly. 

"It's one of them?" Sirius asked incredulously. 

"There have to be numerous magical babies born in July!" Gideon argued. 

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