12 | Licking Her Wounds

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The next week passed by in a blur for all of them. Carina seemed to go from enjoying her last spring to investing every spare second into her students. Between classes and meals, her friends rarely saw her. She was up the earliest. She'd stop by for a quick bite at meals, and whoever saw her only ever witnessed her warm smiles and usual observant kindness. But she'd leave long before the others were done eating. She'd be the last the enter her classes but the first to slip out. She'd also be the last one back to the dorms- long after the others fell asleep. 

In the aftermath of the ball, James and Lily seemed to find any excuse to work on "head duties" together. It was probably for that sole reason they didn't notice Carina's frequent absence. They still fought in public- James' teasing never faded and Lily learned to take it in stride, giving as good as she got. Alice was initially concerned about Carina having to see them everywhere, but she never seemed to be around enough for it to be an issue. 

It was later that week when she knew James and Lily were doing rounds for curfew that Alice decided to sneak into the boys' dormitories. 

"Alice," Frank beamed at the sight of her. 

"We need to talk," she began without preamble, gaining the frowning attention of Remus, Sirius, Peter, and her very own beau. 

"What's wrong?" Frank asked her in concern. 

"I know you lot knew about Carina and James, and frankly I'm concerned." She plowed on, pointedly looking at the marauders. 

"You know?" Sirius' mouth fell open in surprise. 

"I'm her best friend, of course, I know. Not that Carina would ever admit it aloud..."       

"She's definitely stubborn," Remus acknowledged. 

"What is going on?" Frank broke in. 

"What do you mean you're concerned?" Peter demanded.  

"I'm talking about James and Carina actually falling for each other during their little scheme," she filled Frank in indulgently. "I'm concerned because Carina has barely been around all week. I know she's always busy but I've only ever seen her in a huge crowd these past few days. And I live with the damn woman!" 

Frank's jaw dropped in surprise. 

"Me too," Remus admitted. "We almost always study together but she's told me numerous times that she either had a student to tutor or a meeting with Slughorn for one of her projects." 

"Do you think it's time for an intervention?" Alice asked.  

"Perhaps," Sirius agreed.  

"The only problem is she doesn't return until cursed hours of the morning," Alice complained. "I haven't been able to corner her all week." 

"We can help with that," Sirius smirked. 

They weren't the marauders for nothing. 

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This might be the most cowardly thing she'd ever done. Carina had never been one to shy away from her problems. Yet, she just didn't feel prepared to face the others and be normal. She knew she would be eventually, probably sooner than later, knowing herself. Just not quite yet.

Most days it was easy to slip away from the people who knew better than to accept her carefree manner at face value. She tutored. She worked on her potions. She spent more time with Slughorn than she'd ever honestly wanted to.  

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