16 | Potter Chateau

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"Carina! Where are you?" 

The brunette's head jerked up at the sound of her name. She was expecting the marauders for dinner tonight, but she hadn't realized how much the time had run away from her. 

"Ahh... Is that Black?" Fabian asked with a grin, glancing at his twin with glee.  

"I believe it is," Gideon smirked.  

"There you are," Sirius called, stumbling into her bedroom. He froze in his footsteps, causing the marauders on his heels to run right into his back. "Oh, hello chiefs," Sirius greeted his supervisors with a mock salute, throwing a curious glance at Carina. 

"Hi guys," Carina smiled at her Hogwarts friends. "Sorry, we lost track of time." 

"You're having company?" Gideon asked. "And we weren't invited?"   

Carina rolled her eyes at the pout in the grown wizard's voice. "You're the one who insisted on strengthening my wards today of all days. Which you've done, so now you can leave. Shoo!" 

Sirius started laughing but quickly choked it back when the Prewetts glared at him. Gideon and Fabian might have a reputation of being suave, but they took their jobs training new Aurors very seriously. Seeing his tiny fairy of a friend shoo them from her residence while they pouted was not a sight Sirius Black ever thought he'd have the pleasure of seeing.  

"I'm wounded!" Fabian clapped a hand to his chest dramatically. 

"Come on, you fool," Gideon whacked his brother on the back of his head. "She doesn't want us all here at the same time. . ." A devilish grin stole over his features, making Carina narrow her eyes in suspicion. "Clearly we'll have to return later tonight when they leave." 

Sirius was turning red from his efforts to keep his mouth shut. Remus looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening in surprise as he glanced between Carina and her coworkers in comical wonder. James stood over Sirius's other shoulder, his brows furrowed in concern as he took in the attitude of the two wizards he'd never met before. He'd heard Lily and Alice gossiping about the Prewetts a few months ago. Apparently, the twins dropped Carina off to her lunch with the girls and had left quite the impression on the witches. But James never had the opportunity to meet them in the following months he and the marauders hung out with Carina, so he had assumed his girlfriend was exaggerating.          

Carina scoffed, throwing a pillow straight at Gideon's head. He easily caught the offending cushion with a teasing grin. 

"All right, out!" Carina narrowed her eyes on them expectantly. "I intended to spend my evening with people I actually like." 

The twins smoothly rose to their feet, brushing their cloaks off. "You know you love us," Fabian winked. 

"We won't even tease when you come pleading us to return," Gideon finished for him.   

When the aurors disapparated with a sharp crack, Sirius turned to Carina with a smirk. 

"Don't," she warned, rolling her eyes at the auror-in-training. 

"Are they always like that?" Remus asked curiously. 

"Are they always idiots? Yes." 

"So not much different than you putting up with us," Peter chirped from the hall. 

Carina broke out laughing joyously as the others turned to glare at their friend. They all returned to the living room, opening up the cartons of takeout they'd gotten for dinner.  

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