14 | Bittersweet Endings & Beginnings

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Life was getting easier and easier for Carina. At least by her standards. While McGonagall recommended she drop her potions projects, she was determined to see them through the end for her own sake. If she gave up now, she was basically admitted she would never go back to potions. Her personal life progressed without any major hiccups as well. Lily would come around the seventh year girls' dorms and talk to Alice and Carina about plans for after graduation. James was an occasional topic of conversation, but Alice tried to limit it for Carina's sake. Even still, it got easier and easier with every passing day. 

Her peace wasn't disrupted until one unfortunate day when she'd lost track of time and left the potions lab later than she usually would. By then, the halls of the dungeons were abandoned as most people were at dinner. 

She should have known he'd seek her out again. But for some reason, she hadn't bothered to give him much thought the past few months. 

She'd barely left the potions lab when she saw a flash of brilliant platinum hair. She had little time to process before the tall figure had her pushed up against the cold stone wall of the corridor. 

"What do you want, Lucius?" She asked tiredly. 

His hands rested on the wall behind her on either side of her shoulders, making an escape improbable. He stared down at her, his expression severe and contemplative. 

"They've set a date," he told her stiffly. "For my wedding." 

Carina inhaled deeply. "Congratulations," she told him tonelessly. 

Lucius' probing eyes dimmed- possibly in disappointment? "That's it?" 

Carina shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you. I hope you'll be happy- I'm sure Narcissa is lovely." 

"She's a cold, unfeeling bitch." Lucius bit out. 

"The same could be said of you," she retorted hotly.  

Lucius sneered in defense, stepping even closer until he was a mere hairbreadth away from her. She stared up at him resolutely, not willing to let him intimidate her. "Well I guess I can't complain. At least I'll be married. Where will you be a year from now? Still, pining after your friend's boyfriend? Really, Carina, it's a bit pathetic of you."         

Carina's spine stiffened immediately, and she brought up her arms to shove him back roughly. 

"I don't see how it's any of your damn business, Malfoy," she yelled. "We don't have any connection anymore." 

Lucius seemed to realize the callousness of his own words as he stepped back willingly, not retaliating again. Instead, his voice dropped to a whisper she could barely hear. "By your choice, not mine." 

Carina sighed, taking in the man before her. Sometimes he still reminded her of the boy she dated. Sometimes. 

"Lucius, you're not the same man you were when I was with you. You've changed. I've changed! We've chosen our paths long ago. Tell me I'm wrong." 

She could see him struggle with himself, but even he was unable to say otherwise. He certainly wouldn't bring dishonor to the Malfoy name by turning blood traitor. And as much as he tried to convince her to join them for her own protection, he knew compromising her morals in such a way would only make the Carina he loved wither and die. 

Lucius didn't know why he kept seeking her out. He knew she'd never give in, not under his terms. And every time they did talk, the disagreement would lead to frustration and then to anger. The conversation would always turn ugly. He always walked away with another disappointing memory that kept shadowing the year of genuine joy he'd experienced with this witch.  

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