09 | Gryffindor Chivalry

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Carina spent an hour hiding out in the Astronomy Tower. The sun was getting low over the mountains, throwing a canvas of colors through the Scottish landscape. When she was up there, the gentle breeze and serenity could almost make her forget everything she was worried about. But every now and then, she would look down at the lake and see the object of her troubles. James had been sitting out alone by the lake the entire time she'd been up in the tower.

She sighed, convincing herself to go face him before their awkwardness carried over to dinner- she didn't want the others learning about her past right now.

When she approached him, he didn't seem to notice, staring off to the surface of the water with a pensive expression.

She stood just behind him before she cleared her throat.

James's head tilted to the side, yet he didn't look back at her.

"Carina," he murmured. "Have a seat, we have a lot to talk about."

She didn't like the resolved tone of his voice. It seemed too resolved- like she was another thing he had to settle before moving on.

"I don't think we do, actually," she said in a quiet but steady voice.

He looked back up at her this time. His piercing gaze made her look out onto the lake, not wanting to see the disappointment grow in them again.

"I just came over here to let you know that our arrangement is no longer necessary. Lily returns your feelings, or at least she's beginning to. You should ask her to the ball. I don't think she'd say no." There was no way she could keep that information from James. He'd genuinely never forgive her if she did, and she didn't think she could forgive herself for it either. 

James's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Either way, it seems pointless to continue on as we have." She finished, a bitter note entering her tone. "Especially if you don't think you even know who I really am."

When he said nothing, she turned around, not wanting to linger any longer.

Seeing Carina's blank expression and stiff posture had initially thrown James off. He'd expected her to be furious. He expected yelling, fuming, maybe even some hitting. But her resolved silence only made him feel guiltier. He was clearly in the wrong- he knew that. He'd been dazed by her initial reaction. But when she turned around, fully intending to leave, the motion slapped him into action.

"Wait," he called, striding up to her briskly to catch her wrist.

Her fingers twitched, and she turned back to look at him, confused. "Yes?"

"What do you mean Lily returns my feelings? It's only been a few weeks!" He sputtered, completely baffled.

"Well, I heard her talking to Alice about it," she shrugged. "She's still conflicted, but she's definitely unhappy seeing us together. You should just talk to her- she won't be as forgiving if we keep playing this out even now that she's conflicted. It's cruel."

Carina twisted her arm out of his grasp as he rolled her words through his mind, turning to walk away again.

"No." His fingers closed around her wrist again in a steely grip.

"What do you mean, no?" She turned around frustrated now.

"I- I promised I'd take you to the ball no matter what happened with Lily." His voice quieted uncertainly.

Carina's gaze hardened. "I don't need a pity date, James," she bit out, trying to pull out of his hold, but he wasn't even fazed. "I can easily find someone else if I wanted."

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