17 | The Wedding

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»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««  

        3 MONTHS LATER 

"Good Godric, what am I bloody doing?" Lily cried anxiously. 

It was six in the evening, and the sun was just beginning its daily dip over the horizon, ready to cast its aura of golden sunlight over the earth right before it set. Alice had excitedly planned the wedding exactly, insisting the lighting would do brilliant things for Lily's hair. 

This also meant the bride was due to walk down the aisle in but a few minutes. And here she was, nearly having a panic attack in front of her maid of honor and bridesmaid. 

"I'm barely 19! My parents thought I was bloody mental for marrying this early!" 

"Lily, I've never seen you happier than when you're with James," Alice assured her soothingly. 

"But we've only dated a year! How long did you date Frank before marrying him? Five years??" Lily asked in a high-pitched screech. 

"Only because we couldn't legally do it any sooner," Alice smirked. 

"Do you love him?" Carina asked calmly. 

"Of course, I do!" Lily cried. "It scares me how much I love him." 

"What do you love about him?"  

"I love that he forces me to lighten up. I love that he never gets snappy, even when I do. He- he makes me slow down and actually have fun. I love that he's so patient with me even though I never was with him before now. God, I love him.

Carina smiled in amusement, and she felt the smallest part of her hidden deep down relax finally. Because part of her, much like Sirius, had wondered whether Lily's love was long-lasting and whether they'd be able to endure. But a bigger part of her warned herself that it was none of her business to question their love for each other, no matter how close she was to them both. But Lily's response consoled that protective wariness. Lily always was and would always be a high achiever. She made decisions fast and kept to her opinions until it killed her. Once upon a time, that included her single-minded opinion of James. But once finally acknowledging the error of her judgment, she truly seemed to let go of all the minor annoyances she felt because of him. She now appreciated the way his high energy contrasted her own steadier nature. She grounded him just as he helped her soar to new heights. 

"Well, there you have it," Carina pointed out rather plainly, a gentle smile reassuring her. "You're about to walk to the man you love and pledge yourself to him. The same man who's always waited for you, the same one who puts all these nerves at ease." 

"You're right," Lily exhaled breathlessly. "It's just people's words get to me. They always have, you know that. I wish I could just let it roll off my back as James does."   

"People are not going to be the ones spending the rest of their life with James," Alice rolled her eyes. "You are." 

"Of course, you're both right. I'm just driving myself barmy for no good reason." 

"Are you ready?" Alice smiled. 

"I am." 

»» ༓ ««     

The ceremony was absolutely breathtaking. The setting sun backlit Lily as she walked across the clearing right before the Potter Orchards. The golden rays hitting her brilliant red hair made her glow and look absolutely ethereal. 

James nearly cried. 

While nearly everyone stared at the beautiful bride, Carina snuck a glance at James. The enthralled expression on his face only reconfirmed that this wedding was truly meant to happen. And Carina felt nullified at that moment. Despite the messiness of all that had brought them to this moment, she couldn't imagine a better outcome for either of her friends.   

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