18 | It's War

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»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

-- 1979

When an owl dropped off a letter for Carina right in the middle of their meeting, no one really thought too deeply of it. Not even Carina herself. She was gathered with the aurors affiliated with the Order as they debriefed for their upcoming mission. Gathered around a round table like the noble knights from the stories of Camelot, Moody led the charge, informing them all of their roles for the upcoming mission to seize supplies from a Death Eater sympathizer family. Supplies were mainly just money; they had to fund their organization somehow. 

It was the area of grey that always struck Carina oddly. They were supposed to be the good ones, weren't they? Sure, they were planning to steal from prejudiced people, but was that justification enough? The debate circled her head until it drove her crazy now and then. 

It had only been a week since the grand Potter Wedding, and everyone but the honeymooning couple had returned to their normal work lives. 

This was also the first mission to include the newest round of auror recruits, who'd only just graduated from their preliminary training. Carina was happy to see the familiar faces of her friends Sirius and Frank across the table. 

Carina retrieved her letter from the unfamiliar owl, flipping it over. Her face twitched ever so slightly in confusion as she saw the Black family symbol staring up at her from the wax. She glanced up incredulously to Sirius. It had been years since he'd left his birth family behind and even longer since he used his family's seal or regalia. Even the wax enclosing of the envelope seemed too proper and old-fashioned for the rebellious Sirius Black. He met her eyes when his gaze flickered her way, head tilting in confusion. A quiet bop of his head told her very quickly he had no idea what was in her hands or even what was wrong. 

Quickly soothing her features into a soft smile, she rolled her eyes just as Moody said 'constant vigilance' for the tenth time in the last hour. He returned her smile before refocusing his attention on the meeting. 

As casually as she could, she broke the seal, opening the letter.   

She'd already explained the logistics, numbers, and probability of it all to Fabian and Gideon, so she wasn't being expected to be in the spotlight this meeting. They'd only call upon her if they forgot one of her points or needed her to explain in more detail. 

Skimming through the letter, her eyes widened.

It was definitely from a Black. Just not a Black she kept in acquaintance. And no, it was not delivered to the wrong person- she'd checked. Thrice.   

"Now remember," Gideon's voice boomed through the room. "Our mission is meant to be covert. It is best if we can get in and out completely undetected and without leaving a trace. How are you all with your charms? Because that will be the key to getting through this as stealthily as we can manage." 

A large number of the aurors, especially the newer ones, stared back blankly. 

"Oh, come on, any of you?" Fabian called out. 

"The curriculum for aurors only includes basic charms," one of the members of the older cohorts called out. Edgar Bones, she believed? 

"Perhaps we need a charms specialist?" Carina interjected lightly. "An experienced charms master can create a whole manner of diversions, not to mention detect and dismantle some of the most common protective charms." 

"Did none of you fools take NEWT level charms?" Moody glared across his team incredulously. 

"Didn't require it," Sirius shrugged. 

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