11 | Confessions & Heartbreak

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I just found this song, Arcade by Duncan Laurence, and I immediately thought of this story and this specific chapter. The lyrics fit perfectly with Carina's headspace in this chapter. Also, it's a beautiful song.  

»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

Carina kept her eyes closed as James rested his forehead against hers, savoring the moment like one tries to clench onto a handful of sand in hopes that it stays. Somewhere behind them, a small gasp drew their attention. 

Carina spun around, as James looked over her shoulder. 


Down the corridor from them stood the redhead they both knew and loved. She seemed frozen in place, her mouth dropped in surprise. Yet, Carina didn't miss the shine of her teary eyes in the moonlight- even with the distance. 

Pulling herself together, Lily gruffly cleared her throat. "Sorry guys, don't mind me," she said in a squeaky voice, rushing away. 

Carina watched her friend leave with a sinking sensation. The impending knowledge settling like a suffocating cloak- like knowing all bubbles eventually pop, and water flows downstream to its final destination. She'd been swept away by the magic of the night, but she knew at that moment that Lily felt deeply for James. She hadn't been jealous or appeared angry. She'd been heartbroken. 

"Go after her," Carina told James softly, not meeting his eyes. 

James was still staring after Lily, completely befuddled. 

"You sure?" He asked her. 

Carina nodded wearily, biting down on her lip nervously. 

"I think you just got your answer about whether Lily truly cares or whether it was just the attention," she whispered.    

James glanced down at Carina before glancing down the corridor where Lily ran off, completely conflicted. "I'll just go check on her," James promised. "I'll be back."   

Carina nodded silently, watching as James went jogging down the corridor in search of his first love. Somehow she feared that was a promise he wouldn't be able to keep.     

  ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ・☽ ༓ ☾・  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶  ̶̶̶̶


Lily froze in her tracks, feeling a tremor move through her body at the sound of his voice. Merlin, she hadn't even realized how much she missed seeing his smirking face at breakfast as he declared to the entire school his feelings. 

She knew she'd never be able to outrun him, and doing so would only make her retreat more suspicious. She'd been so close to making it to Gryffindor Tower. Swiftly swiping at her tears, she turned just as he came jogging up to her.   

"James? Is something wrong?" She feigned innocence. 

"You tell me," he studied her shrewdly. "Why'd you rush out of there?" 

"I didn't mean to intrude on your moment with Carina," she blushed. "I just figured you'd want some privacy. 

His eyes softened on her in a heart-wrenchingly endearing way. "That doesn't explain the tears, Lily-petal," he said lightly as he brought up a finger to pick up one of the stray droplets on her face. 

She froze. "It's cold." 

"Lily," James sighed exasperated. "I've been honest with you every step of the way, I think I deserve a real answer. Or at least a better excuse."  

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