28 | Reversed Roles

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Author's Note: 

The title has officially been changed from "Hiraeth" to "Tides of Fate."

The rating for this story from here on out is changing to a hard MATURE. 

As the war goes on and the relationships between characters progress, there will be numerous explicit scenes of violence, war, loss, mental health issues, trauma, and sexuality. While some of my other stories give warnings at the beginning of every chapter with mature scenes (as there were fewer of them and thus easily skipped over), Tides of Fate will not be like that. Many of the chapters going forward will have mature themes, so I will not be labeling them individually! I will only provide trigger warnings for graphic scenes that might be especially traumatic, but otherwise, expect the story as a whole to get much darker and more intense.  

If you continue reading, it is completely at your own discretion! If a story filled with mature themes and graphic scenes is not your cup of tea, and especially if you're too young to consume such content, please stop reading here. 


»»———— ☽ ༓ ☾ ———-««

-- OCTOBER 1980

Carina had let down her house. She'd never felt like she'd been sorted wrong at Hogwarts until now. Because surely, her cowardly actions would bring shame upon the house of the brave? 

It had been nearly two weeks since Gideon had come back from Ireland. Two weeks since her understanding of her life had been flipped upside down. Needless to say, she had not met Gideon after his debriefing. In fact, she had been doing everything in her power to avoid facing that conversation. Coming home in a frenzy, she'd shut off her floor to everyone and readjusted her wards. She penned Gideon a brief note that she needed time to think and would get in touch soon. 

But one night had bled into an additional day, and her thoughts were no more composed. A few days bled into a week, and now it had nearly been two weeks. Two weeks of blatant avoidance and productive procrastination. On the bright side, her potions cupboards were overflowing and Sirius, Remus, Peter, the Potters, and Longbottoms all had a chest of standard household mixes.

She was in Diagon Alley getting fresh ingredients for even more supplies, thinking perhaps she could give some to Marlene next when she was finally cornered. Elbow deep in moonseed, she jumped out of her skin when someone cleared her throat directly behind her. 

"Sorry. I never intend to startle you." 

Carina turned. A sad smile greeted her, a stark contrast from the amusement she'd received after reacting similarly those fated two weeks ago.


"Busy brewing?" He asked lightly, gesturing to her stash of potions ingredients. 

"Uh- Yeah. I mean, Moody and Dumbledore haven't needed me recently. Thought I'd keep myself busy." 

"You know you can't avoid him forever," he pointed out. 

Carina flushed, looking away from Fabian's open, imploring gaze. 

"I don't intend to," she replied softly. "I just- I don't know... I don't know what to think or what to do." 

Fabian sighed, drawing her attention immediately. "Please don't tell me that's for my sake. It's unnecessary." 

"I can't just ignore it!" 

"That's fair, but have you even tried to talk to me about it? Or Gideon? He's been going crazy when all his owls came back unopened." 

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