04 | Needs to Sort Out His Priorities

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The next day, Carina locked away any lingering feelings of hurt and put on her everyday smile for the world. So what if the Marauders didn't consider her as close of a friend as she considered them? She knew that at the end of the day she could go to them for anything and they'd be there.

She was lounging in the common room with Lily and Alice the next afternoon doing homework when a familiar head poked his way into their area.

"Carina, haven't forgotten you agreed to study with me, have you?" James grinned good-naturedly.

"No of course not," she replied easily, not looking up from her essay. "Let me finish this up, and I can meet you at the library."

"Mmmkay," he hummed happily, pushing away from the chair.

Alice and Lily shared a curious glance, and they looked back towards Carina, who was still engrossed in her editing. James Potter studying? That had to be a joke.

They were suddenly surprised again when James plopped back down in the empty chair with a carefree attitude.

"Actually- one more thing."

"Potter, we're actually trying to study," Lily groaned, rolling her eyes. "Bother Carina later."

"It'll be quick," he promised. "Carina?"

"Hm?" She mumbled, her eyes still sweeping over her parchment.

"Will you go to the Equinox Ball with me?"

Lily and Alice stared at James with their jaws dropped, and Carina's small scratches from her quill halted. She finally looked up at James in undulated surprise.


"Will you." He pointed to her. "Go to the Spring Equinox Ball. With me?" He pointed to himself.

Carina couldn't help the blank look of astonishment on her face. He certainly hadn't prepared her for that. "Why?"

James chuckled in surprise. "Because I want to go with you."

Carina just stared in shock. This was too much too soon. Lily would certainly realize this was a hoax at this rate. "As friends right?" Carina clarified with a nervous laugh.

James raised an eyebrow in an unconcerned manner. "How about we decide at the end of the night?"

Carina's laugh faded into a baited silence as Lily and Alice watched them in shock.

"What?" Carina repeated once again.

This was moving way too fast, even if it was fake.

James laughed again, a deep bellowing laugh this time. "I don't think you're getting it, love," he smirked. "You and me, Equinox Ball, date."

"Umm...." Carina shook her head as if to clear it. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course," he replied easily, getting to his feet. "See you at the library in a bit?"

Carina nodded wordlessly as James walked away.

It wasn't even ten seconds after he was out of earshot when the girls were immediately at Carina's ears.

"What in Merlin's name was that?"

"Are you going to say yes?"

"What the bloody hell is he up to?"

"Do you like him?"

Alice and Lily paused, looking at each other in surprise.

"You don't think he actually means it, do you?" Lily asked incredulously.

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