Lovebirds and Flashbacks

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I look at her with shock. It's Tuesday morning and she tells me she already has a crush on him. "You just met him." I say emphasizing the "just met". "So? It's true love" she says imitating Anna. I give her my you're-not-cute look. "Okay, maybe not. But still. He's funny, fun, and hot." I roll my eyes. "And exactly how many crushes have you had this year?" I ask putting my hands on my hips. "Just three." "Ugh." I turn back to my locker and get my books. Then I, close my locker and Jon comes up.

"Jon? You better talk to Reagan. I'm tired of this." I say holding my books to my chest. I playfully bump Reagan and take the lead to class. First class, Physics. Mr. Harp asks for our homework and we start class. Every now and then I sneak glances to my friends and when I see Reagan, well, it doesn't surprise me. She and James are exchanging notes. Ugh. Reagan and her extreme feelings. Unbelievable. I turn my attention and see Mr. Harp writing our project on the board.

Choose a partner and come up with a moving display that portrays physics. In the best way, of course. Deadline: next Friday

Okay. Hmm. "Alright everyone. The instructions seem clear. Yes?" He looks around and we all nod. "Choose partners now." I look around. I catch Jon looking at me. We smile. James and Reagan seem to be partnering up too. Everyone has a pair in a few minutes. "Alright. You start today. Show me your blueprints and plans by tomorrow. I will choose three projects to be shown in the Academic Fair representing the science department. Now goodbye." The bell rings and we all move out.

"Look at those two. Love birds already." Kathy says coming up to us. "Yeah. I wonder, you two are best friends right?" Sheila asks. I never really favored hanging out with her especially since they used me before. "Yes." I reply. "Mmm. Alright." She waves her hand and flips her hair over her shoulder. Kathy whispers something to Sheila and they laugh. "Eh. Typical popular girl stuff." I say noticing that Jon is looking at me with concern. I shrug and he leaves the topic behind.

"But they are right, though." He says standing beside me as I open my locker. "About what?" I ask closing the door. We walk to our next class. "James and Reagan are, well, you know. "Developing chemistry"." He says shrugging. "Yeah. And what a coincident. Our next class is chemistry. Woohoo." I say waving my hands sarcastically. He smiles. We enter the classroom and find the two sitting next to each other, talking.

My mind starts to wander. Teacher isn't here anyway...

"Hey, Stella. Wanna come sit with us?" Kathy calls out. I look at my own group of friends. Jon shrugs, Reagan gives thumbs up, Frank just nods and Christine just shrugs as well. "Okay." I say quietly as I sit down beside them. "So, Stella. We've known each other since elementary. But we never really got to know each other well. Especially since we're in high school now." Sheila says. Me, being innocent and kind and all, just smile. "So, what are your plans this weekend?" Kathy asks me. "Nothing really." I say shyly. I'm not the kind to go all bold when popular cheerleaders ask me to sit at their table. "But you're a church girl, right?" Sheila asks with an edge. "Yes. Proud to be one, actually. And church isn't bad and boring. It's actually fun and exciting. And you learn a lot too." I say with more volume. "Hmm." Sheila says sitting back. "Well, we'd better finish eating." Kathy says. We finish and Sheila tells me "Stella, meet us at the mall at 2:00 pm on Saturday. Let's hangout. 'Kay?" I nod and give a little smile.

Saturday morning, I plan what to wear. These girls aren't just popular at school. They're famous in our little county. So at exactly 2:00 I sit on a bench texting. "Hey, look, here's Stella. Come on Stella. Let's go." I stand up and follow them. Not seeing the reply...

Be careful. Be wise, Aster.

As we round the corner, we meet up up with a group of guys. Basketball varsity, I think. 2 years older than us. I stay at the back. "She here?" The guy at the front asks. Sheila nods and motions to me. At first I'm hesitant. But then I walk up in front of the group. He grins. Wait, no. It's more like a smirk. He motions to a guy at the back. "This is Mark. And you two are gonna hit off." He says with a voice so strong and commanding. And that's when my phone vibrates. I check the messages.

Hey, Aster?
Need help?
Why won't you reply?!!!

I sigh. Too late, Jon. I'm sorry. I walk with Mark away from the group. "So, what do we do?" I ask. "I don't really know. Just so you know, they're using us." He says stopping and looking at me. "Oh." Is all I say. "You're pretty innocent aren't you?" He asks, a small smile creeping up his face. "Heh." I look forward and walk. "Hey, you know. We don't have to follow them. Yes, they're doing this to get money, but still." He says trying to catch up with me. "What do you mean?" I ask turning on my heel and putting my hands on my hips. "All I'm saying is we can be friends. That's our "hit off". Is that okay?" "Yeah." I say. We shake hands.

"How do they get money out of this?" I ask him. "You really don't know much about this. Do you?" He says with a small laugh. "They bet. They bet on the weakest or shyest people. They try to pair them up and see if it works. You get how bets go right?" He asks. I nod. "So yeah. That's it." He says.
"Who bet for what?" I ask. "The boys bet a break up, and the girls bet a relationship."
"How long do they wait?"
"A week or more." "Oh."
"So what do we do? And-wait. Why are you here? You seem like a good guy."
"We play it out that we're "together". Making the girls think they win. But then later on, announce we were just friends getting to know each other. So no one wins. Game?" I nod. "And I'm here because I'm the only one with no girlfriend yet." He says quietly. "Oh. Why don't you have one?" I ask keeping my voice low. "I have crushes, sure. But a girlfriend? I want her to be, the one. You know?" He looks at me and I smile. "Yup. I understand." "Nice meeting you, Stella. If you ever need help, I'm a friend ready to lend a hand." "Same." I say as we shake hands. As I turn around he says, "God bless." "God bless too." And I get my cellphone and text with a smile.

"Good Morning everyone." I look at the front and see Ms. Emily smiling. I look at the clock. I had a little daydream for 5 minutes. Eh. I look over at Reagan and James. Still talking. Jon is talking to Julia. I look back at the front and listen. Well, try to listen. I wonder, where is Mark? He's definitely in college now. Oh wait. I saw him at church last Sunday. Almost forgot. I think I should catch up with him sometime. Jon snaps his fingers and I blink. I turn my attention back to Ms. Emily. She starts class and another day at school begins.

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