Not goodbye see you later

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{Frank's PoV}
I tagged along with Adrian when they came here. They're staying for 2 weeks though. I'm staying here for only a week.

I look out the window and marvel at the view. A beach and a forest. Not a view I see everyday. The wedding was Saturday and now it's Tuesday. I'm so excited to get a little tour of my hometown. I get dressed. I'm staying in Gabe's room. Well, we're sharing actually. I Head downstairs and meet up with Stella, Gabe, Christine, Reagan, Grace and Adrian. Their parents had left for work and we're left here to do what my friends have planned. Reagan and Christine had come back for the next 2 weeks and they're staying with Stella. So it's all one big happy reunion that started yesterday.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask as we all finish breakfast. The doorbell rings and Gabe opens it. Jon makes his way inside. "We're going on a tour of the city then we'll play some bowling." Jon says sitting on a couch. We join him in the living room. "Since there are eight of us, I rented a van so we can all enjoy a little tour with the tour guide himself." Jon says. "And who would that be?" Stella asks with raised eyebrows and a teasing smile. "Moi." He says with an elaborate gesture. I stifle a laugh. He leads the way out and we get into the van.

Gabe starts driving while Jon says nearly everything about everything we see. I guess he took up the job as being our tour guide since Stella and Reagan haven't been here for 3 years. And I think Reagan is staying in New York for a while. Like Christine is staying in Florida.

We go on "Jon's Tour" for like the rest of the morning. Almost everything is the same since I left except there are more stores and buildings now. We pass by our favorite park, movie theatre, malls, our old school, our church, and we end up in the bowling area. We eat a quick lunch then get bowling.

I don't think I've ever had this much fun with them. I mean, we've played around a lot when we were kids, but this is different. We're a lot older now. I look at Stella. She's gotten a lot prettier now. She's always been pretty. Inside and out. Her long black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Yes, I kind if do like her. I did before but when I moved, I didn't like her as much anymore since I wasn't sure if she would stay the same. But when she moved to Paris, I saw that she was even more beautiful now. She's learned a lot over the years and she uses them to help her become a better person. And I find that beautiful. So yeah, I started to have a crush on her again. But, I know Jon has a crush on her too. And even Chris! Chris is one of my best friends. And when Stella came back from the hospital, well, he started hanging with her more and I could see it. And she doesn't even know. Well, that should be good right? I don't know.

"Hey, Franky." Gabe says punching me lightly. "You're in deep thought, man. And I think it has to deal with my little sissy." He says serious yet jokingly. I smile. Jon sits beside me and Adrian sits beside Gabe and we start talking about latest NBA updates. The girls have another rematch. We turn to look at them as they laugh. They're probably the loudest group here. We look around us and see people staring but enjoying watching the girls. We decided to do that too.

Stella prepares herself and lets the ball roll. She gets a strike and starts dancing. She looks really cute. I start to blush slightly at the thought. "No fair." Reagan pouts teasingly. "You got three strikes in a row and I only got three pins knocked down." She says after her turn is done. Everyone laughs at Reagan's acting. We continue to watch the game between the four girls and we even choose teams.

After another few rounds or bowling, we head back. What a nice day. Grace approaches me later on followed by Adrian. "Hey, Frank?" She asks. "Yeah?" "You like my sister don't you?" She says. I look behind her, at Adrian and he gives me a thumbs up. I nod. She smiles. "Well, then. Goodnight." She says as she and Adrian walk past me and into their room. I look down and realize I've been playing with my hands. Guess I get fidgety when I talk about this. I enter the room I'm sharing with Gabe and I get ready for dinner.

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