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{Astella's POV}
2 months of school have passed. And I'm getting better at French. The language, the history, and even knowing how to navigate around Paris. Thanks to Frank and Grace of course. Yeah sure, Grace is busy with her new movie coming up, but she does stay and help me.
School finishes, and I head outside to the doors of the school. I sit on the steps. "Miss Astella?" Some guys approaches me. I stand up. "Uh, what?" I say acting cool. "You older sister has asked me to bring you home." He says bowing. He has a slight Italian accent. "Umm, wait. She always picks me up. Or my parents." I say. He nods in understanding. "But as for this moment, she asked me to." He says quite confidently. I look at the time on my phone and quickly text Grace and mom that some guys is asking me to go with him. I look at him as I put my phone back in my pocket and he grabs my arm and keeps a tight grip on me.

I have no choice but to follow. As we round the corner, I get bonked out. Last thing I see is 2 more faces peering at me.

I wake up to see dark surroundings. Black walls, dusty dark ceilings, and a shabby door. I hear voices. I shut my eyes quickly as the door opens. I hear footsteps. Someone shakes me and I can't help but slap the hand away. "Well, the little Miss is awake." A guy says with a heavy accent. "How did you get her across?" Another guy with a British accent asks. From what I can tell, Italian, German, and British. "Well, Doc. We just told them she was my niece and she's dreadfully ill and she needs a doctor here." The heavy accent guy says. The door opens and someone walks in. He pokes my arm and I flutter my eyes awake like I haven't been awake for a while. "Yes. The police and other important people didn't seem to take it as a big thing. Quite lucky for us." He says. This is the Italian guy who spoke to me. I sit up. "Well, my dear. Take a good look at your surroundings. We'll be here a while." Italian guy says. "Who are you?" I ask quite innocently. "Forgive me for not introducing ourselves sooner." The one called Doc says. "I am Doc Jones. A British doctor. A good one if I may add. This is Luis Piazzimo." He says pointing out the Italian guy. He bows with a dramatic touch. "That is John Flamoch." He says as the heavy accent guy bows too. Three guys. Hmm. Let me get thus straight. Italian=Luis, British=Doc Jones, German/heavy accent=John. Okay.

"So, uh, what are we gonna do?" I ask. "Well, you will be staying here. Up here in this tower. I think you'll be like Rapunzel." John says chuckling. I go to the window and look out. The Big Ben, the London Eye and a shimmering river below. We're in the tower of London also known as the London Bridge. So, we're in London. "Yes. We are in London." Luis says probably reading my face. "How did you get me here?" I ask nearly panicking but still keeping my cool. "On a train." Luis says. "We got a special private car and no one stopped us." I look down. The view here is beautiful. "I mean, how did you get me up here? How did we all get up here?" I say still looking out at the city.

"Well, I have a friend. He works here. And I have another friend who's a policeman." Doc Jones says. "Oh." I say nodding in understanding. "Your meals will be brought at the exact times." He continues. "We can't afford to stay in a hotel. Too many clues. Unlike here, only two other people know and they are trusted." I nod again. They tell me to behave so nothing bad happens, and I just nod. Again.

They leave and close the door. I hear the door lock. This situation is quite stressing, I guess, but I know 2 things. One, God is in control and I am safe in His hands. Two, these captors or kidnappers are way kinder and more gentle than what I thought they would be.

I pray a quick prayer and look out. I take out my phone. Hmm. Seems like they really aren't that strict. I take pictures. I turn on the wifi and there- is none. I turn on my 3G and post a picture. beautiful London. That caption should help my family know where I am and it is a good caption. The knob turns and I hide my phone. "You need to delete that post right now." Luis says sternly. I sigh. I take out my phone and delete it seeing that he has his phone in his hands. He breathes out in relief and slams the door and locks it. Ugh. Great. They really are keeping watch over me.

I take another look around the room. It's quite big actually. All the posts and such are dusty, old, and do have cobwebs, but they seem sturdy. The rest of the room doesn't have that much furniture. There's the bed I was lying on, a bedside table, and a cushion chair next to the window. That's it. I sit down on the chair. "What to do?" I say out loud. And then a question forms. How long have I been here? I mean, how long have I been out? I check my watch.

I'm still wearing my jeans, red knitted long sleeves, and dark brown boots. I'm sorry but I do love this outfit. Absolutely. Ugh. I do nit want to sleep. I guess I could sing to pass the time. I turn on my music and start singing when the door slams open. I turn off the music and hide my phone. "We're leaving." John says. He grabs my arm and pulls me along. We run down the stairs, and out the tower.

The sunlight makes me close my eyes, then blink open. John shoves me into a waiting car and they gag me. So much for being nice captors. The driver adds speed. We cross the bridge and he leads us through the different streets till I get confused. I give up trying to remember where we were and so I just try to enjoy the view. Oh well. God will take care of me...

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