Summer & Surprise

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{Astella's POV}

Last week, we made up a new game. While swimming, we'd say a line, and try to complete a story or poem of us. We have to memorize them though. Our latest is...
Every single day
We find a way to play
But we never do forget
That we are friends, and that decision we shall never forget
Thank You Lord for this gift
We will always give our friends a lift
We will cherish each other and love each other
And for that, we can compare to no other
Heh. Not that good, but, hey. We were swimming. And if you're wondering, yes, I have cooled down. They say I've been a lot happier lately. Heh.

Anyway, today, we all just sit down and enjoy the waves washing our feet. Gabe, Jon and I are just sitting on the rocks in my favorite part of our little beach. It's a place with a lot of boulders, rocks, a little cave, white sand, and with the forest behind us. The sun has already risen. "I just love watching the sunrise." I say exhaling. "Yeah. So beautiful. God sure is creative, and amazing." Gabe says putting his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder. "What are we gonna do today?" I ask them. "Why don't we go to the mall?" Jon suggests giving me a sideways glance. I playfully scowl. "What? We have been just staying here playing in the forest, beach, and in the neighborhood. The only time we really went out, is when we eat out." Jon says shrugging. "He's right though." Gabe says.

We just sit there thinking. "I'm gonna go back to the house. Kay?" Gabe says getting down and walking away. "Kay." I say. "Come on." Jon says. I stand up and follow him into the cave not knowing where we're going. We enter and I sit on the edge. The water reaches the mouth of the little cave, and I wade my feet in the water. "Aster?" "Yeah?" "Do you wish we could go on a road trip again?" He asks. "Yeah. It's always fun. But my mom hasn't said anything about it." I say. I turn to look at him and catch him staring. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." "Okay." "Anyway, yeah. My mom hasn't said anything either." He says looking away.

I watch the water and see a little turtle. "Oh my goodness! A turtle!" I exclaim. I pick up the sweet little thing. "How did it get there?" Jon asks walking towards me. I put my other hand on my hip. "And how am I supposed to know that, huh? Why don't you ask him?" I say with sarcasm. He laughs. "Okay. Sorry. What are you gonna call her?" He asks. "First of all, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl. But I'm gonna call it Jonella. a mixture of our names." I say with a smile. He smiles back.

"Stell! Jon!" Gabe comes running towards us. "First of all, cool turtle. Second, you gotta come back home. Something's come up." We run back with him. When we get into the living room, the adults are drinking coffee and they stop talking when they see us. Let me give you a clue. When that happens, it means something serious is about to happen. And it might be something we don't like. "I found a turtle." I say. My mom gives a small smile. "Don't you think she belongs out there?" My dad asks. I shrug. "They never get this near. We'll just bring her back later. So what's this about?" I ask seeing Julie and the dogs come in. She sits on the floor and plays with them while listening to us.

The parents look at each other. "Well. It's a surprise." Joanna says slowly. "We're moving." My mom says. Our jaws drop. "Moving? Where?" Gabe asks. "Paris." My dad says. Oh. My. Goodness. "We are moving to Paris? As in Paris, France?" I ask in utter most shock. My parents nod. "Why? Your jobs are great. We have a good life. Why? Isn't it harder in Paris? Like to get a job and everything?" I say quickly. My parents chuckle. "We already have that planned out." My dad says. "Well, at least, we're not selling the house right?" Gabe asks hopefully. "Nope. We'll be back in 3 years anyway." My dad says with a shrug. Ooh. That's it. I am not moving away from the city I lived in all my life, to move to Paris for just 3 YEARS and then move back. I mean, where am I gonna go to college? Who will be my new friends? And I'll be living so far away from everything I know, I've come to know, and love.

I run up the stairs, into my room, and slam the door. I may seem to be overacting, but I don't care. I mean seriously, yes it would be nice to visit Paris, and maybe to live there, but now? When I have to go to college? And that means I have to learn French. Great. I jump onto my be and my pillow becomes soaked with tears.

I hear my door open and someone walks in and sits on my bed. I look up and see Jon stroking my hair. He has a sad smile on his face. I bury my face back in my pillow and hug it tighter. "You know, maybe thus could be a good thing." He says lying down. "God has a great plan for each of our lives. You know that. And so that means this another part of his plan. A new chapter for your life. To be lived in Paris. It'll be hard, but as they say, challenges make you stronger. And the way you handle challenges determines who you are." I look up at him and see him looking at the ceiling. "It's super hard for me too, you know." He says quietly, looking at me.

I turn around and look up at the ceiling too. "Yeah. I know. It's hard for all of us." I reply. "I can't believe I'm gonna be losing my best friend." He whispers. "Hey. We're gonna be best friends for forever and always. To infinity and beyond. Okay? We may live far apart, but we will stay close in each other's hearts. Well, at least we should." I say looking at him. He smiles. He wraps an arm around me and I place my head on his chest. "Let's not think about all this okay?" I say. "Okay." And we drift into sleep.

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