...And I'm Gone

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---HEY GUYS!!! so, there are quite a lot of typos in this story as well as my others. When I get the chance, I'll edit them. All my stories. And I'd like to thank you all for reading this far:) I know it's hard to stay with me throughout this time because I'm not exactly sure I did the best job with the story. But I do hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment any suggestions---

{Jon's POV}
Once I get home I head out to the backyard in hope to clear my thoughts. Today's been a rough day. Not only do we have a test in math tomorrow, but Sheila's been hanging around me more than usual and I'm guessing it's because she's jealous that Stella's my best friend. Not to brag, just saying. But there's something Sheila's missing. Today, it seemed like Stella was avoiding me. She'd cast glances and give small smiles, sure, but that's it. She doesn't approach me or anything. And I guess it's probably cuz Sheila's around. She kept talking to me and even if I try to ignore her, she still keeps her blabbering mouth open. And what's worse is, she stays bad stuff about Stella that is most definitely not true. Did I try to stop her from spreading it to her friends? Yes. Did it work? No. Why? Because she keeps shutting me off when I try to contradict what she's saying. So now, of course, there are rumors about Stella. And people think I'm helping because I'm supposedly Stella's best friend and now I'm "hanging" with Sheila. Ugh. And that all happened in less than 2 days. 2 DAYS!!!

I continue walking and see Stella. I catch up to her and she turns toward me. Her eyes are full of tears. "Stella-" I start, but she cuts me off. "It's okay, Jon. If you see something kind in her that I and the others can't see, it's ok. As long as you're happy." She says walking away. I stare after for a moment. "But I don't like her. And I'm not happy." I say quietly. I walk after her.

{Stella's PoV}
What I kept seeing in school today nearly made me walk up to Sheila and punch that flirty face out of her. I could see that Jon was uncomfortable. As the day went on, Sheila started spreading rumors about me. They say Jon told her everything about me. Now that, I'm not so sure of. Why would he do that? Some rumors are true though. The fact that I had embarrassing moments in middle school and high school is true. But the fact that I betrayed Jon thus letting him betray me by going to Sheila? That's not true. I'm hoping that maybe, they're just feeding the thought to him that I betrayed him and he doesn't believe any of it.

I reach my little favorite spot and sit on the edge of the cave, letting my feet wade in the water. I hear him approach me. "Stella. What's wrong?" He says demanding me to say it rather than just asking me. "You thought I betrayed you so now you're feeding my secrets to Sheila and she's spreading it." I say quietly. He stays quiet. "No. No one told me that." He says surprising me. "And why would I believe them or share your secrets to her? That'd mean I'm a fool. And trust me, I'm not one." He says looking at me. I don't look at him though. "Well I guess that explains why you don't seem so comfortable with her. But why do you put up with her?" I ask. "There's no one else I know who I can talk to. All my friends, I only see them in the dorms. Not during class time. I was hoping to spend time with you, but Sheila's making it hard. For both of us, I'm guessing." He says sadly. He sits closer to me and puts an arm around me. "Don't worry Stella. I'd never hurt you." And that's when I let the tears run.

The next day, things don't get better. They get worse. Why? Because the rumors that I hear are actually somewhat true. There are definitely twists, but the scenario that happened, well it happened. And, only my best friends are supposed to know.

Some girls that pass me call me 'flirt' and other words that are similar to that, but I don't want to say it. Vanessa, Candy, and Lesley are my new friends and I feel like I've known them for a long time. They give me words of encouragement, not to listen to that bully and all the other things the other girls and even guys say. To be honest, I thought bullies would get tired of bullying when they reach college. Apparently, not.

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