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"What?" I ask as Reagan and I walk down the hallway on Monday afternoon. "Sheila wants Jon to ask her to prom." She whispers. I raise my eyebrows. Yes, our prom is in early May. Our school is cool that way. "And?" I ask. She puts her hands on her hips. "You gotta be kidding me." She says as we turn the corner and walk into class.

{Reagan's POV}

Stella and I enter the classroom and sit in our usual seats. I can't believe she's so blind. And I thought boys were blind when it came to crushes. Ms. Roberts, our English teacher, starts talking to us about prom.

"Alright everyone. I know all of you know how this goes. Boys, choose someone to go to prom with, and girls, look your best. Actually that goes to all of you. You all know what to do prom. Be on your best behavior. Prom is next Saturday. The first Saturday of May. Let's make it a magical day. Okay?" "Yes, Ms. Roberts." We all reply. "Good. Now let's get started with our class."

I am not the kind of person to listen to boring lessons that clearly, everyone knows. I mean, hello? It's english class. Everyone knows english. I try to listen, being an honor student and all but, it's just a bit distracting. Prom. I love prom. Last year, I wore my hair up in a crown braid, a sky blue dress with lace designs and silver heels matching my silver earrings, necklace, and bracelet. Oh, I wonder what I'm gonna wear this year. And I hope James asks me. Yeah, yeah, I know I might be a bit much, but he is an amazing person. He asked me out and I said yes. And now we're like, in a relationship. Ooh, how time flies, we're almost graduating. Can't wait for summer.

"Reagan." Someone whispers. I look up and see Stella looking at me. She looks at the board. Oh. I wasn't paying attention. Written on the board is a sentence in which the person had to rearrange the modifiers, add adjectives, and use the proper verbs and all. And the sentence was,
Reagan Claire Hailey, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met, the one who always makes me laugh and helps be do my best, will you, go to prom with me?

My jaw drops. And I close it back again. Ms. Roberts chuckles. "Well, what do say Reagan?" Everyone looks at me. I stare him in the eyes. "Yes." I say. James smiles his super happy, adorable smile. Ooh, one step down, more to go. But I think this is gonna be lovely.

After school, Stella and I go to the mall to look for a dress. "I still can't believe he asked me in front of the WHOLE CLASS!" I say for like the nth time today. "I mean, sure I wanted him to, but I was a bit doubtful. There are so many other beautiful girls in school." I say fanning myself. Stella rolls her eyes. "You are absolutely drop dead gorgeous, Reagan! And he sees that. So let's drop this topic and focus on the task ahead of us." She says dragging me into a store.

We spend an hour going around the mall. "Finally, we've found our dresses" I say as we get into Stella's car. "Yeah." She says. I chose a dark green gown with fuchsia designs and Stella chose a navy blue dress with a "mermaid tail". I can't describe the exact details, though I may be a fashion lover, because it's too tiring to think about it. Stella drops me off at my place and we say goodbye. "See you tomorrow!" I say. She waves back and I enter the house. My parents are busy. My dad works in his office from 8:00-8:00. My mom works in her little office room at home. She's had an online job since her leg was, well, not so good. And so I have to be quiet. I'm an only child. Yes, I am. So I go up into my room and place the dress in my closet. I can't wait for prom.

The 2 weeks go by without any issues. Well, for me. Stella has no one to go to prom with. And that's a problem. I seriously thought Jon would ask her. I mean, hello? Best friends since they were in preschool, and Chris asked Stella last year. Doesn't Jon wanna make 'Joella' a reality. Ugh. My best friends.

Today is Friday. And it's 4:00pm. Class already ended and so Stella and I are gonna go to Steak n' Shake. Just the two of us. I've been friends with this girl since first grade. And I know her well. When I see that look on her face, she's disappointed, hurt, and worried. "Hey." I say. "Hey." She says. We take a seat at our table and start eating. "So no one has asked you?" I ask carefully. Stella's not the girl to go all crazy about boys like I do, but she does care sometimes. Especially when one of those times is prom. "Nope." She says shaking her head and slurping her strawberry milkshake. I nod.

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