A Heartbreaking surprise

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At 12 noon the next day, I eat my lunch in a hurry so I can visit my dad. But before I can leave, the doorbell rings. I look through the peep hole and see James. I take a second thought before I open the door. Finally, I do. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I reply. "Want me to drive you?" He asks. "How do you know where I'm going?" I ask him crossing my arms. He shrugs. "You're all dressed up and I saw the news." He says plainly. I nod and we get into his car. We drive in silence as we go to the hospital. He keeps glancing at me, but I guess after a few months of getting to know my hyper, talkative self, he knows that when I'm quiet, don't bother me. So we listen to the music. 'Happy' by Pharell Williams. Hey, Reagan? How about going to the park, first? I need to tell you something really important." He says I look at him and shrug. He parks the car and we walk through the park.

After a few minutes of walking, we stop. No one else is here, just us. "So, uh, it's kind of hard to explain." He says moving his hand through his hair. I watch him. What, you wanna break up with me? I ask in my mind not daring to show the question in my face.
"You are most definitely, the smartest, prettiest, most clever, funniest, girl I know. I'm not lying. It's true. If you could see my hypothalamus, it'd tell you." He says with a wink. I smile. Okay, not what I was thinking, but okay. He holds my hands in his and looks down. "I'm sorry." He says. "There's something important I meed to tell you. And we both don't like it." He says now looking into my eyes. I look at him questioning. "My family and I need to move." He says. "To Tennessee." I stare at him in shock. How many people in my life need to move away from me! First Stella, not him, and who next? Jonathan? No. I may be moving too, I know, but this is just- why? Why, God? Why? Why! He hugs me seeing my face nearly getting teary. "Hey, whatever God's plan is, that's what goes. Remember, no matter how big your dream is, God's got a plan that's bigger and so much better. If you follow Him, and submit to Him and obey Him. You're a smart girl. You know that." He says pulling away.

"Oh, and another thing. The reason why we're moving is cuz-" he gets cut off as as a girl walks up from behind me. She walks fast so I can't see her face as she goes near James and hugs him. "Hey, James." She says. I know that voice. She turns around. That mid cut silky brown hair, red lips, nearly perfect body, and perfect makeup. It's none other than the Asian head cheerleader. Sheila. "Oh! Hello there, Reagan. Didn't see you there." She says putting her around James' waist. "What James was about to say was, he's moving because of me." I stare without emotion. I look at him and he looks uncomfortable. That should be good right? Ugh. I don't know. She registers my reaction. Which was nothing. "As you probably know, his parents work for my parents' company and now they have to be transferred to Tennessee. Poor little Reagan. Losing her first boyfriend, because of- me." She says with a fake pouty face and then laughs. "Come on James. You have to pack." She says trying to push James away. "No. I can pack later. I'm gonna bring Reagan to the hospital." He says marching away so Sheila can't get to him, I presume.

I turn to follow, when she grabs my arm. She tells me something I've ben thinking about, in a quiet voice, "poor little Reagan. Everyone she loves, everyone she cares about, has to move." She stands up straight and says, "pity." With no pity in her voice at all. She walks away and so do I. In the other direction, of course.

When I get into the car, James starts the engine and we go to the hospital. When we reach the parking lot, I get ready to move and get out, but he keeps the doors locked. "Wait." He says sternly. "I know. You may be thinking negatively about this, but please. It's not my decision." He says with a pleading look in his eyes. "I know." I say straight. He sighs. "I'm moving too." I say. Yes, I've made up my mind. This has drawn the line. Not that many friends left. Jon is staying in a dorm anyway, and so is Gabe. Mark lives a little bit far away, so I'm moving with my parents. He looks down. "Where?" He asks quietly. "Somewhere in New York." I say. He nods. "Well, I hope we can hang out these next few weeks." He says. I just nod and look out the window. "Reagan-" he starts, but he ends it. I turn to look at him and we are just probably an inch apart. His hand brushes against the side of my face and I feel the warmth. His other hand grabs a hold of my right hand. "I promise, I do really like you. And no matter where we are, we will always be friends." He says. And then it happens. He pulls my hand and I rest it on his chest as his lips touch mine. I never kissed anyone before. But this sure made me second guess why. My other hand finds its way to his hair. His hands start going down my back and he holds me. Like in a hug, position. I break away. "Sorry." He says. "I just had to do that." I smile. "Don't be. " I say whispering. He laughs.

We get out of the car, and visit my dad. My parents already know James. And they actually like him. We spend the day talking, then eating.

Days go by. James and I hang out more. We go for morning jogs in the park and go on random dates and we take a super lot of pictures. Soon, a month passes by. James' family is leaving tomorrow and mine is leaving today. My dad's better. Still has one of those cast things for the chest, and still can't move his neck as much, but he's better. Thanks to the Lord. My mom's gotten better at walking too for some reason. Probably to help do some chores now that I'm the only one who really does them.

I sit on the porch steps waiting for a taxi. My larents decided to ride a taxi to the airport. We had packed up all our things. Nothing left. We even sold the house. So yes, it's official. We aren't coming back. And- oh, no. I haven't told Stella yet. Or Jon, or Gabe. Oh no. I guess I'll tell 'em later. My parents load the stuff into the taxi and get in. I see James approaching. He talks to my parents and the taxi leaves. Bringing my stuff, and my parents along. "Um, what did you do?" I ask him pretending to get mad. He laughs. He motions for me to follow him. I follow him to my backyard.
"Close your eyes." He says. I follow. I feel him holding out my right palm, and placing something in it. Hmm. A box? "May I open my eyes?" I ask. He agrees and I open my eyes. I open the box too. And inside is a beautiful heart shaped necklace. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say. He tightens his grip around me as if he never wants to let go. "Hey, uh. Your parents allowed me to take you to the airport. They'll have everything ready by the time you get there." He says looking at me. We stare for a while. "Uh, you wanna have a staring contest?" I ask. He laughs.

He moves his face nearer till I can feel his breath. "Reagan." He says softly. He doesn't need to say anymore. He moves his head down so he can reach my lips. He kisses me. I let him. I move my right hand and shuffle it through his hair. I'm not sure if that's the right word, but you know what I mean. He presses harder, and I give in. I kiss him back. He pushes me against the tree. His hands move down and they reach the small part of my back. I pull away. But he stays close. He smiles. "So-" I kiss him again and feel his smile coming up. But I stop it. And he kisses back. I kiss him while moving my hands down to hug him while kissing. Does that even make sense? Anyway, he still pushes me against the tree and we kiss. And hug. After a few more seconds, he breaks away. "I never thought you'd do that. " he says as I laugh. "I'm full of surprises." I say with a wink. I walk to his car and feel him walking behind me. Before I open the door, I feel his hands wrap around my stomach. Hugging me. "Come on, tiger. We gotta go." I say patting his hands. We get in and he drives me to the airport. Before I go down, he cups my face in his hands and gives me a good 5 second kiss. "I'll miss you. But we'll stay in touch kay?" He says with a wink. I smile and wave goodbye as I enter the airport. And now, the adventure begins.

We arrive in Albany. We get into our apartment. We a,ready got things planned out since we had a month left. So we have our apartment, and we start unpacking. I turn on my 3G and sit on the floor. I Skype Jon, Gabe and Stella. Stella gets it first.
Stella: hey
Me: hi
I look and see her getting nervous as Frank goes into their house. I laugh. Gabe shared how uncomfortable she is knowing Frank was a nerd for like, 5 years and he's a hunky soccer player. Okay, not her words. But my words as I see him. He waves at me. I wave back. We say hi and he tells Stella to meet him outside.
Me: French lessons?
Stella: yeah.
Me: isn't it school time already?
Stella: yeah. But it's Saturday.
Me: Oh, right.
I watch as they start their lesson. Yeah, I don't know the words, but it sounds fascinating. Especially their history lesson. After a few minutes, they have a break.
Stella: so, how are you?
Gabe and Jonathan come on just in time. I explain everything. They stare at me in shock.
Jon: you never told us!!!
Me: i know. Sorry. Got caught up and everything.
Gabe just stays silent wand watches us all. We continue to chat and talk about our new lives. Our group of friends has split up.

And that's how it goes on for another month. School starts, and I still chat with my friends to keep in touch.
But another thing comes up. An unknown number texted me something just earlier, and I look at it now.
Reagan. James has another girlfriend!
Who is this? I reply.
I'm not kidding. Go ahead and ask him!
I do. I call him. He answers. Calmly. "You have a new girlfriend." I say with absolutely no emotions. He pauses. "It's okay, James. You should've just told me." I say before he replies. "Reagan. Listen." He says, but I caught him off. "No. No need. Enjoy your new life, James. God bless." I say ending the call.
Thanks, Sheila. I text.
No problem;)
I don't care if I'm thanking Sheila. I sit down on my bed and let the tears run. Stella calls later and I explain everything with my eyes still puffy. She gives me a virtual hug and says she has to go. I change, do my homework and fall asleep. I'm so gonna make this new life count.

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